Lyre of Lament Item in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Lyre of Lament

Credit to Hella Strange Dice.   This lyre has warped and changed due to it’s former owner’s unrelenting sadness. When played, it often causes the listener to reflect on a grim time in their life.
  • Dreary Outlook: While attuned to the Lyre of Lament, you gain darkvision which allows you to see, even in magical darkness, up to 120ft.
  • Sorrowful Wail: (3/day) As an action, you target one creature within 30 feet and line of sight must take a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, an affected creature takes 14 (3d8) psychic damage and is frightened. They may attempt to save at the end of their subsequent turns to end the effect.
  • Shared Sadness: (1/day) As an action, you can attempt to share the sadness that resides within the Lyre. You target one creature within 60ft who can hear you, they must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they succumb to overwhelming sadness and loss. They cannot take actions or attack as all they can do is weep. They may attempt to save at the end of their subsequent turns to end the effect.
Item type
Musical Instrument