Main Floor in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Main Floor

The Main Floor of Castle Ravenlofts (areas K7 through K24) is identical to the book except in the following ways:  

K11. South Archer's Post

In the Archer's post is one castle guard.  

K12. Turret Post

In the turret post is one castle guard.  

K15. Chapel

Dim, colored light filters through tall, broken, and boarded-up windows of stained glass, illuminating the ancient chapel of Ravenloft. A few bats flutter about near the top of the ninety-foot-high domed ceiling. A balcony runs the length of the west wall, fifty feet above the floor. In the center of the balcony are two chairs occupied by still shadows. (DM note: this is area K28.) Benches line the chapel in orderly rows, covered in several months of dust. At the end of the room, lit by a single shaft of light, an altar stands upon a stone platform. The sides of the altar are carved with bas-reliefs of sun-haloed figures dancing among clouds. The light from above falls directly on a silver statuette. A cloaked figure kneels at the altar with its back to you, and a black mace lies on the floor near its feet.
The figure is Velimir Perić, a student of the priest of Vallaki, who accompanied Ndidi Finesilver years ago in search of her mother. He has remained here ever since, haunted by what he has seen and participated in. Strahd has left him alone, finding grim amusement in the man's misery. He is either praying, weeping, or kneeling in total silence.   The statuette on the altar is the Icon of Ravenloft.  

K20. Heart of Sorrow

A mosaic floor adds a touch of color to the otherwise dark, cold, empty tower that rises above you. A spiral staircase rises slowly into darkness, hugging the outer wall. In the center of the room, another set of stairs leads down.
The staircase leading down leads to area K71.   The staircase going up has no railing, and connects to the main floor of the castle with each level above it. First it leads to K13 through an open archway, across from a secret door leading to K34 50 feet above. In another 40 feet, another open archway leads to area K34. Another 100 feet above that is a landing directly beneath the tower's heart.  

The Heart

As you step onto the spiral staircase, a reddish light flares overheard, then settles into a dull, pulsing glow. You now see the full immensity of this tower. The spiral staircase circles up the tower's full height. The tower, sixty feet wide at its base, narrows as you climb. At the pinnacle of the hollow tower, a large heart pulsates with red light. It is a macabre sight, pumping grotesquely and shining wet with blood that doesn't drip down. Above the heart, the stairs continue upward.
Have the characters and the Heart of Sorrow roll initiative as soon as they enter the room. If the players leave and return, they can reroll, but the Heart's initiative remains the same.   The awakened tower shakes and pitches on the Heart's initiative count. Any creature on the stairs or hanging on a tower wall at the start of the Heart's turn must succeed on a DC12 Dexterity saving throw or fall to the base of the tower 190 feet down. Characters who are crawling or lying prone on the staircase succeed automatically.   The Heart of Sorrow is a 10-foot-diameter red heart that floats near the top of the tower. Characters standing on the nearby stairs can make melee attacks against the Heart, provided their weapons have a reach of at least 10 feet. It has AC 15 and 75 HP. If the Heart is reduced to 0 HP, it dissolves into blood that rains down on the tower below. The destruction of the Heart causes the tower to stop shuddering, and the interior of the tower becomes dark.   Strahd and the Heart are connected (see his statblock for more information.) The Heart regains all its hit points at sundown if it has at least 1 HP remaining. If the Heart is dropped to 0 HP and Strahd lives, he can revive it with a ritual. The Heart is held aloft by the will of Canis, and a dispel magic spell has no effect.   If Strahd senses any damage is done to the Heart, he sends four vampire spawn and one consort to destroy those responsible. They arrive in three rounds after the damage is done. In addition, one castle guard is always present in the Heart's tower.