Quasi-Gods Species in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Quasi-gods are a form of divine being, also called "young gods" by some scholars. They are extremely powerful, akin to true gods, but with one important distinction. Quasi-gods have no power in the Material Plane unless they have a certain number of suitable champions and conduits. While true gods can enact their will whenever and however they choose, quasi-gods are only as powerful as their anchors.   It is believed by some scholars that quasi-gods are not only dependent on belief to act, but also to exist. They are created when a great deal of divine belief is directed out but has no God to reach in the Divine Planes. This energy will take form into a Quasi-god. Quasi-gods exist in their own demiplanes parallel to the material plane. They are inherently selfish, and know that they cannot affect the material plane, in the same way that a real God could not. They also know they are the closest thing the Material Plane will get to a true active God, and take their "duty" very seriously.