Soul Tranfusion Spell in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Soul Tranfusion

You are able to safely siphon off a piece of a living creature's soul, and infuse it into a construct of Tiny or greater size. Using this spell, you can infuse a person's soul into a construct of Large size or smaller (down to a toy size). The construct can be simple or complex, but you must build the construct before attempting the spell.   The construct will gain a function and trait in accordance to its donor. You may choose to give it a complementary or identical function/trait.   The spell components below are a minimum requirement. The larger the construct, the more blood is required. In addition, the larger the construct, the more likely the spell is to fail. Whenever you cast this spell, you must roll a d100 to determine if the spell succeeds. On a failure, roll again to determine if your subject dies from the transfer.  
Tiny 1 vial 15% 10%
Small 1 vial 30% 20%
Medium 2 vials 50% 35%
Large 4 vials 60% 40%
The large the construct, the more intelligent it is:
  • Tiny constructs or smaller are non-sentient, but always act in the best interest of their donor. (3 Intelligence)
  • Small constructs have the same level of intelligence as a dog. They may develop some preferences, with time and coaxing. (5 Intelligence)
  • Medium constructs have the same level of intelligence as a small child. With time, they will develop some preference, and may develop an individual personality, with time and coaxing. (8 Intelligence)
  • Large constructs have the same level of intelligence as an adult. With time, they will develop a personality similar to their creator, and with time and coaxing may develop a completely individual personality. (10 Intelligence)
Material Components
The item to be infused, a vial of blood (from the soul donor), gems or crystals worth at least 1000 gold
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 hour