St. Andral's Feast in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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St. Andral's Feast

The Setup

About three weeks ago, a young woman came to town, someone that a few in the town recognized. She spent only a few days in town, speaking with one of the church orphans in the bar, and speaking to the coffin maker as well. This woman was Nthanda, Strahd's protege. She paid Miroslav to steal the bones of St. Andral, and smuggled them, along with six vampire spawn, into the coffin maker's shop by paying him a handsome fee.  

The Events

The players can prevent this event from occuring by returning the bones of St. Andral to the church or by destroying the vampire spawn hiding in the coffin maker's workshop. If they stay in Vallaki for more than three days and do neither of these things, then on the fourth afternoon, Rahadin and Nthanda will arrive in Vallaki and set the events into motion.   Rahadin will go to the town square and will make a loud announcement in the afternoon that the burgomaster has not paid the required taxes in several many months, and the Lord's patience is at an end. He will do nothing at this time, but this will rile up the people. The festival will fall into chaos, and the burgomaster will resort to setting the town's guard on the people to shepherd them back to their homes.   In the evening, Nthanda will arrive at the coffin maker's workshop, and will release the vampire spawn, with instructions to assault the church and the evening congregation. The spawn will climb up the outer walls of the church, while four swarms of bats will swarm into the church, terrifying the congregation into fleeing the church into the waiting claws of the spawn. 2d6 adults and 2d6 - 1 children will perish in the attack, including all three of the orphans who lived in the church.   Within the church itself, Strahd will enter in bat form, then revert to vampire form to attack Father Lucian. Unless the players intervene, he will kill him easily and return immediately with Nthanda to Castle Ravenloft. If Father Lucian dies, the locals will bury his body in the church cemetary, where it will rise the following night as a vampire spawn under Strahd's control. If Rictavio learns of the priest's fate, and the party has met him, he will suggests that the players burn the priest's body to ensure it doesn't rise from the dead.   The townsfolk will make an easy connection between the attack and the burgomaster. After two days, the townsfolk will march on the burgomaster's mansion. Without the players' intervention, the mansion will be set ablaze. The baron, his wife, and his natural son will be dragged to the town square, thrown in the stocks, and stoned to death. Izek will flee the town to avoid the same fate.