The Invasion of the Isle Military Conflict in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Invasion of the Isle

It’s not entirely known when the dragon came, but the Empire first got wind of her about 500 years ago. She didn't make much trouble for Samael, except for occasionally coming to steal from them, and wrecking any ships that came near. The Empire considered the Isle under their control, but they knew better than to try and take it back from a dragon of this power. Livianna Sentrissa, who is now known simply as The Warden, was sent to liberate the Isle in 674LD.   The Warden began to seek out other powerful monster hunters and soldiers. To the dismay of many, she picked anyone she deemed worthy of the fight, regardless of race, political status, or wealth. She chose seven generals and allowed them to handpick their soldiers. All soldiers went through vetting and training, but she continued to nondiscriminately accept any soldiers she deemed fit. After two years, she had an army of over 3,000. The army wasn't even primarily elves: humans were the majority, followed by elves, orcs, and dwarves. True to her character, she had very few battlemages, but those she had were extremely powerful and, again, in the Empire's bad graces. Her generals were comprised of two elves, three humans, one orc, and one halfling.   The Warden began her invasion of the Isle in 676LD. She was the first Imperial soldier to set foot on the Isle, and she remained on the Isle for the entirety of the invasion. Her generals were permitted to leave or rest when they suffered injuries or began to burn out. Her soldiers came to the Isle in waves, each more devastating than the last. Her fourteen battlemages also rotated out, but in the final months she summoned every general and battlemage to her side to ensure victory.   The Isle took four years to win. Finally, however, the Warden slew the black dragon, and drove her minions into the depths of the forest. The dragon's lair was plundered, her eggs smashed, and the seat of her power, the Obsidian Tower, now flew the Empire's flag. Now, two hundred years later, there are still traces of the dragon's power, as well as the massive horde of minions she controlled. They are controlled, however, by the Warden's growing army of soldiers and by the monsters.   The Obsidian Tower is now a prison for Samael's most dangerous and most hated prisoners. Several other prisons transfer problematic individuals there on a regular basis, and the High Emperor has personally sent several people.   In addition to the Tower, there are also three settlements on the Isle that the Warden oversees. Her surviving generals have been appointed as Princes/Shepherds over them, and they are populated almost entirely by the politically poor. In the two hundred years since the Warden's taken the Isle, self-exiling yourself to the Isle has become a much more popular option than allowing the High Emperor to exile (or execute) yourself himself.
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