The Kitchens in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Kitchens

Obviously not of the same make as the Tower and the buildings surrounding it, this building is built to Imperial standards and aesthetics. The ends of the building are sharp points and the sides slope back, giving it the appearance of an upended boat. A simple set of double doors leads you into a scene that is always busy, no matter the time of day. Elven workers in sharp green uniforms scurry about, carrying food and tools back and forth, shouting across the kitchen to each other in sharp voices. The loudest and sharpest voice belongs to Vyla, whose white-and-black uniform is hidden beneath a grubby brown apron.
The kitchens are near the guard barracks, between the Tower and the greenhouses. There is a tunnel leading from the kitchen down to the top storeroom. The kitchen is overseen by Vyla . Although prisoners technically aren’t allowed in the kitchens, Vyla allows them not only to hang out, but also to work there if they so desire. They’re such a good cook that the Warden doesn’t want to fire them, and so allows them to break the rules so long as no one causes trouble.