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The Material Plane / The Anchor

The Material Plane, where most D&D adventures take place, is known in the Anchored Worlds Setting as Eden, or the Anchor. The philosophical and physical components of all other planes come together here, and so Eden quite literally anchors all other planes in existence. Without Eden, all other planes would drift away and be destroyed by the Void beyond the planes. Furthermore, if any one of the other planes were to be destroyed, or alternately to become too large or powerful, the orbits of all other planes would be thrown off, and one by one they would be consumed by Void.   Eden is comprised of a multitude of worlds (planets) that float in an endless sea of suns and moons. For ease, the planet this setting focuses on will also be called Eden.   There are four continents on Eden: Ditea (center of the Black Isle, Illusory Crown, and Devouring Void campaigns), Darsi (center of the Barovia Blues and consequent campaigns,) Damar, and Drezi. Ditea is the continent that houses the Samael Empire. The population of the continent is mostly elves, with one dwarven kingdom in the east. The central area of the continent is home to many wandering orc tribes which are now part of the Samael Empire. Humans also make up a significant portion of the population, as they came to trade and take advantage of the rich resources the continent has to offer.   Most of Ditea is mountainous and heavily forested. The three largest mountain ranges, Duskmother, Skybreaker, and Goldcrown, are in the power of the Yrsimian Republic, Samael Empire, and Dar'gul states respectively. The central and southern areas of the continent are extremely cold. Taiga, tundra, and, to the far south, glaciers can be found in these areas of the continent. For the most part, only orcs brave the coldest areas, but the Faerun forests (which are home to many free elven tribes) also cover a great deal of this "arctic" geography.   To the south of Ditea and the west of Drezi is Darsi, a continent dominated mostly by humid forest. It is equally inhabited by elves (wood elves specifically,) and humans who live together in cities along the coasts. The heart of the forest is mostly uninhabited except by isolated trading centers along the main High Road that weaves across the entire continent.   At the center of Darsi is a singular mountain which is topped with a crystal clear lake from which four rivers flower. The lake is said to have a host of magical properties, which vary depending on who you ask. It is guarded by four Sphinxes, one at each river's mouth.   East of Darsi is Drezi, a land of mostly dwarves and halflings. As you would imagine, it is very mountainous. There are two mountain ranges, the Slumbering Peaks and the Grey Heights, each of which has one one dwarven kingdom that rules. The rest of the continent is dotted with insular halfling communities and a few trading cities populated mostly by dwarves. There are also several orc bands that roam the continent, traveling between set cities they've built in the mountains.   To the far south of the planet is a huge continent, Damar. Damar was, once upon a time, mostly orcs, but they have been corralled into only certain areas of their own homeland. Damar is a fertile land with an extremely diverse landscape that is host to several large settlements of elves and humans. While none of the orc cities or settlements have been abandoned, the once abundant routes that orc bands took are now slimmed down to a fraction of what they once were.