The Prison Blocks in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Prison Blocks

All player characters will be assigned a block and a cell when I learn what crime they committed. It is unlikely you will all be on the same floor.
A block floor is a large circular room about 185 ft across, ringed with fifty-one doors, 50 of which lead to 7ft by 10ft cells with two feet of stone separating each cell wall from the next. The fifty-first door is a manual elevator, which goes all the way down to the solitary confinement cells. There are seven large low tables with cushions for the prisoners to sit on. Other than the small windows in some cells, there are no windows on any of the block floors, and they are lit by torches and candle-lit chandeliers.   There is a spiral staircase in the center of each room, the landing of which may be guarded. The staircase is wide enough for several people to walk side by side, but the rails are very short to discourage running. It goes from the bottom floor up to the 28th floor.   The cell blocks are divided into "tiers" based on the nature of the crime committed:
  • Floors 3-8 (Block A) - For those who have committed great crimes, but not necessarily dangerous or treasonous ones. Prisoners on this floor have the most freedom, and wear white uniforms with no bands. They have wooden doors on their cells. There are 224 prisoners in Block A.
  • Floors 9-13 (Block B) - For those who committed dangerous crimes but are not considered dangerous personalities (crimes of passion, assault, things like that). Prisoners on these floors wear white uniforms with light grey bands and are locked behind wooden doors. There are 226 prisoners in Block B.
  • Floors 14, 16, 17, 18 (Block C) - For those who have committed crimes against the crown (a very loosely defined crime which the nobility take full advantage of.) The prisoners on this floor wear light grey uniforms with dark grey bands and are locked behind wooden (floors 14 and 16) or stone (floors 17 and 18) doors. There are 198 prisoners in Block C.
  • Floors 19-23 (Block D) - For those guilty of more dangerous crimes, but usually only against one person (murderers as opposed to serial killers, for example). The prisoners on this floor wear dark grey uniforms with light grey bands, and they are locked behind stone doors. There are 168 prisoners in Block D.
  • Floors 24-25 (Block E) - For dangerous criminals who are magically inclined. There is an anti-magic field on this floor, and some prisoners are guarded by elite guards. The prisoners on these floors wear black uniforms with light gray bands, and are locked behind iron doors. There are 79 prisoners in Block E.
  • Floors 26-27 (Block F) - For the most heinous and dangerous criminals (usually those who've killed nobility or royalty, serial killers, etc., or those guilty of the highest treason). There is an anti-magic field on this floor, and the entire block is guarded by elite guards. The prisoners on this floor wear black uniforms with white bands. The doors on these floors are steel with magical reinforcement, and they cannot be broken open by physical means. There are 78 prisoners in Block F.

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