Undeath - Dread Vampirism Condition in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Undeath - Dread Vampirism

There are many ways to become a vampire, and some result in an altogether different kind of monster. One such way is to commune with a quasi-god or other power, and be granted an approximation of vampirism, as seen in the Curse of Strahd. The use of "dread" in this context refers to the definition of the word that invokes awe and reverence, rather than fear.   Dread Vampirism is identical to regular vampirism except in the following ways:   Dread Vampires do not fear the sun as deeply as other vampires. While it weakens them, it does not hurt them. However, they are unable to feel its warmth, instead feeling an aching chill that sinks to their bones.   Dread Vampires do not die from a stake through the heart. While this will paralyze them, their dark power is not hosted in their body, but in their pact. As such, the only true way to kill a Dread Vampire is to either destroy the power they are pacted with, sever their connection, or convince the power to revoke the gift. The second is the easiest to do, but it is no easy feat regardless. When Dread Vampires are created, created alongside them is a physical anchor for their connection to their power, which can, through extreme means, be either disrupted or destroyed completely.   Dread Vampires may have additional abilities ties to the specific power they are pacted with, which are seemingly unrelated to their vampirism.