Undeath - Ghosts, Specters, Poultergeists, and Wraiths Condition in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Undeath - Ghosts, Specters, Poultergeists, and Wraiths

In the Anchored Worlds setting, death is one step in a cycle. The soul leaves the Material Plane, and through burial rites is cut from all ties and unfinished business, allowing it to move to its afterlife. If a soul doesn't get a burial, however, or if there is a tie too strong to be broken by normal means, the soul lingers on.   The soul will often linger in an incorporeal form that can have a range of abilities, and often is aggressive due to confusion. Simply besting these spirits in combat will not aid them in their way to an afterlife, and they will usually appear again after a period of time.   These incorporeal undead will not linger forever. Some linger for days, others for centuries, but if left unaided they will all grow more disconnected and aggressive, until their souls are forcibly pulled from the Ethereal Plane, and they are reborn as demons.
Chronic, Acquired