Undeath - Vampire Spawn Condition in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Undeath - Vampire Spawn

Most of a Vampire's 's victims become vampire spawn: ravenous creatures with the vampire's hunger for blood, but under the control of the vampire who created them. Spawn have a more ravenous hunger than a true vampire, needing to feed far more often. They have far fewer abilities, save for a diminished version of what they had in life.   Interestingly, vampire spawn are the inverse of vampires in appearance. When they are well-fed and calm, they look their true monstrous selves: long claws, deep glowing eyes, wide mouths and terrible features. It is when they are hungry and feral that they look most inviting, almost indistinguishable from life except for one feature all vampires share: an utter absence of color or blood vessels in their eyes. Using this deception, spawn are able to trick unsuspecting victims in close to feed.   Vampire spawn slowly lose intelligence and independence if they are not fully fed for long periods of time. Unlike true vampires who often make a conscious choice to abandon their mortality, spawn who are not regularly well fed have no such choice. Often vampire lords will keep at least a small number of spawn on a tightly controlled and restricted diet, to maximize their frenzy. Though they still ultimately obey their master, spawn kept in such a state have no thoughts of their own except the hunt.
Chronic, Acquired