Father Winter Character in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Father Winter

Father Winter is a Primordial God that originally chose to be associated with the Guardians. He is Winter Incarnate personifying and embodying the season of Winter. He has divine authority over the cold, ice, and snow. He also is sovereign over the Artic Circle and Antarctica.   Father Winter overesees the Ceremony of Yuletide as he is in charge of Winter Preparations.   While he is also called Old Man Winter, he is also Jack Frost’s father. His other children include Cold Miser, Miss Snow, Blizzard, and North Wind and Snowflake. There may be some unknown children. Father Winter also has Winter Fairies and Winter Sprites at his command. He is millions of years old. He lives in Christmastide Valley with Nicholas.   While we don't know much of his story, we do know his birth caused a Snowball Earth.  
The Snowball Earth is a geohistorical hypothesis that proposes during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, the planet's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen with no liquid oceanic or surface water exposed to the atmosphere. The most academically referred period of such global glaciation is believed to have occurred sometime before 650 mya during the Cryogenian period. - Wikipedia
    And he has played a part in all Ice Ages in the past. But that was when he held on to his darkness and anger throughout the many centuires and milennia he's lived. Until he became part of the Collective Congress of Ancient Power by becoming a Legendary Guardian of Childhood.  


Winter Mastery/Sovereignty: Father Winter, Primordial Winter God, has absolute power and authority and control over winter itself.   Winter Incarnate AKA Winter Embodiment: Father Winter embodies and personifies Winter, which allows him limitless control over the season, and everything connected to it, especially the Water element and its variations. The user has divine authority over the cold, ice, and snow.   Winter Manipulation: Known also as Kheimokinesis or Yule Control/Manipulation, Father Winter is able to tap and induce the winter and the powers of snow and ice.   Winter Inducement: As a Winter Deity, he is able to bring the season of winter, causing hibernation in animals, diminished or halted growth in plants, cold weather and long periods of darkness.   Winter Storm Creation AKA Snow and Ice Storm Generation: From snow falling to blizzard conditions, he is able to create storms of varying power. He is able to create local storms to natural disasters.
Current Location
Current Residence
Ice Castle in Christmastide Valley Woodlands
Aligned Organization

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