Guardians of Childhood Myth

The Guardians of Childhood are believed to be a group of mythical and magical figures to many Humans/Mortals on Earth. And while we may not pray to them, we believe in them. We believe in them probably because they remind us of what our own childhood was like.   They each represent a part of childhood we’ve forgotten as adults.  
Father Time and Mother Nature believe they were assembled for one reason. That being to ensure that children grow up with Kindness, Generosity, Hope, Love, Joy, Faith, Wonder, and Peace in a world where those are not always in the world that we live in.
  A related myth is that The Man in the Moon exists and chose these people to protect Humankind, to protect children’s hopes and dreams for a brighter future. This is a believable origin story.   And maybe this myth also helps to explain why they still do their jobs in the 21st Century. Maybe it doesn’t.   Maybe it helps to know that Guardians were chosen because each has a special quality, known as their "center". This quality is what makes them a Guardian; it's what they put into the world and what they protect in children.   The Guardians truly serve a very important purpose which is why children believe and why, even after Ancient Power has mainly left Earth, that most adults declare them as myths even though there's plenty of evidence to the contrary. And just because adults declare them a myth does't mean they are!  

Are the Guardians Real?

Well, it depends.   Children don't have to see, touch, hear, or smell them. Each Guardian is real to the children. Each child who believes in them does so willingly and without hesitation, without a doubt. Who are we as adults to destroy their belief? Who are we to take that chance? Why would we? How could we?   Children should be children, yes?   Children will become adults and grow out of what adults call "childish delusions".
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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