High Royalty of Christmas Magic

The High Royalty of Christmas Magic is a ttile bestowed upon Gertrude and Nicholas Claus at their wedding as Nicholas is Santa Claus, Leader of Christmas. Having been The Gift-Giver for many centuires, it is only when he marries that he and Gertrude are the King and queen of of a holiday.   When Nicholas married Gertrude, it was proclaimed throughout the Ancient Power that they are Queen and King of the Christmas Empire/Mystical Christmas Kingdom. Their marriage happened in the toy compound where those of Magic came to watch one heart unite. Later down the timeline, Center of Christmas and Spirit City (more commonly known as North Pole City) came into being and also its' governing body (Great Christmas Parliament).  

Royal Mystical Objects of Christmas


Christmas Spirit Staffs

Staff of Christmas Spirit I and Amulet is the first known generation of the staff given to Nicholas when he came into the World of Earthly Magic as Father Christmas, Santa Claus, and many more names. Mrs. Claus can use the staff. However, she doesn't really use it.

Claus Christmas Eve Outfit

Mrs. Claus, on Christmas Eve, wears a green dress that looks like Santa’s Suit. Her red suit is worn for official business. Around the village, she’ll wear red clothing most of the year. She also has a purple dress and Yule Blue Dress. The Noel Suits are used also in official State Functions and Occasions.  

Royal Transportation

As the leaders of Christmas, Nicholas and Gertrude use the royal carriages (in this case, royal sleighs) on governmental business. The sleighs are called Claus-Class Sleighs.
Royalty, Hereditary
Ceremonially in effect
By Marriage to Gertrude McBride
Form of Address
HM (His Majesty and Her Majesty as separate people) TM (Their Majesties as a a couple)


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