Mother Goose Character in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Mother Goose

Mother Goose is thought to be a fictional storywriter. She is not. She is an author of fairy tales and nursery rhymes. She is iconic and often pictured as a (mostly elderly) woman riding on the back of a flying gander or an anthropomorphic goose that may or not be able to talk.   Her real name is Katherine “Kat” Lucy Goose from England long ago. She was born sometime during the 1700’s. But nobody knows where she lives as she is now a Guardian.  


Music Embodiment: Mother Goose is a physical manifestation or personification of music. As a result, the user has limitless control over it. They might also be an embodiment of a specific song and it's lyrics.   Literature Embodiment: Mother Goose is an embodiment of literature - written works and publishing, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit. Thus, she is also part of “The Literary Classic”.   Poetry Embodiment: She is the embodiment of poetry - the form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language - such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and meter - to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning. She is “The Essence of Poetry”.   Story Manipulation AKA Story Control: Mother Goose can manipulate the events of the story as well as how it starts and ends. This includes locations (look of them) and characters (how they act, what they can do, etc.). Fantasy Control/Creation/Manipulation is another name for this thing.   Fiction Creation/Generation: Mother Goose can create stories and everything in them or about them, including the plot, the characters, the motives, locations/places and etc. She can even decide when or if the story will end.   Inspiration Inducement AKA Empathic Inspiration: Mother Goose is able to help develop ideas that people would not otherwise have, or simply make inspiration easier to spare their efforts to find their own inspiration.   Storytelling Mastery: Often called Narrative Expertise/Intuition, Mother Goose is a master of storytelling innately.   Poetry Mastery: Mother Goose is a master of poetry innately.
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