Grand Royalty of Mystic Life Hallway

Grand Royalty of Mystic Life Hallway is the most decorated hallway of the entire place, which is not decorated much. Entering this hallway, anybody enters the government part of the building.   On the right are The Trio Grand Council Chambers for their conferences lie here and across from them, The Board of Mystical Spirits. The Board of Mystical Spirits is used by The Mystical Community of Ancient Magic to monitor the belief of ancient magic and its' spirits. It is commonly called a Spirit-O-Meter.   The Rulers of Earthly Magic Council Chambers comes first. It is mostly used as the meeting place of The Legendary Protectors Of Childhood/Rulers Of Earthly Power, espcieally after Magic left. It is still in use when Magic returns.   The room next to it is The Ancient Earthly Magic Congress Grand Chambers. All members of congress gather here to discuss business after the Rulers meet. After those halls of leadership, there are some smaller conference rooms.


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