
Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Sometimes, the story itself is so old that what is known may be from all the embellishments. Although the truth and the original story is somewhere underneath it.   The term "storytelling" orginally refers to oral storytelling but also can be more broad. In the modern day, visual and audio are also art forms used in storytelling.   Oral storytelling, intertwined with the development of mythologies, predates anything written. Pictures, such as ancient cave art, were also probably a form of sotrytelling for many ancient cultures. Throughout history, storytelling has been an educational tool.   One way of telling stories, besides oral, was to watch plays. Some cultures tell stories of the past in this art form. Others take religious scriptures and turn them into plays. The most common of this is often The Nativity Story (sometimes including things from Advent) and Easter Story with the week before and the following days after included.   Some religious rituals involve storytelling as part of it.   Some traditions take after this, involving storytelling as part of them.


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