Their Majesties of Ancient Power Empire Royal Guards

Their Majesties of Ancient Power Empire Royal Guards are the two divisions that guard both the Ancient Power Royal Residences and Their Majesties, King and Queen of Ancient Power (Baxter and Angela).  

Ancient Power Royal Residences Division of Their Majesties of the Ancient Power Empire Royal Guards

Ancient Power Royal Residences are palaces or homes owned by Their Royal Majesties or The Royal Family of Ancient Power and occupied by members of the Ancient Power royal family in the Empire of Ancient Power. The current, official residences are owned by the Crown. Some official residences may serve primarily ceremonial functions and so may not used residentially.  

Royal Residences

Ancient Power Mystical Palace   Summer Residence Castle Pendragon-Claus Peckforton Castle (England) – Actual Name

Their Majesties Royal Guards Division

Their Majesties of the Ancient Power Empire Most Royal Bodyguards is a division of those who have sworn to protect Their Royal Majesties, The Grand High Royalty of Ancient Power and later, Grand High Dual Royal Family of Ancient Power and Christmas Magic.   This whole division are all personal guards who travel with members when they leave the palace. While neither are an elite unit of the regular armed forces and truthfully cannot protect any members, Baxter and Angela both felt that a showing of protection from evil should be done, least ceremonially.  

Member Species

Dwarves, Elves, Fairies/Faeries, Dragons, Griffins and Hippogriffs, Pegasi and Alicorns, Phoenix, Unicorns are all part of Their Majesties of the Ancient Power Empire Royal Guards. All species each has members who are serving to protect the palaces and the royalty themselves.  


Their true purpose is nothing. However, the Guardians and Species Leaders would not hear any arguments against them having a protection detail. Baxter and Angela finally relented. It is only because of this that any protection is an illusion as Baxter could use his powers to physically hurt someone. As a whole, the Guardians could also hurt adversaries.   Although they choose not to use their powers to cast curses or to harm people. If in emergency circumstances or in war, Baxter and Angela and their descendants and The Guardians are allowed to use their powers.


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Aug 4, 2024 06:13 by Marjorie Ariel

lol, It sounds like the king and queen might be able to do more to defend their guardians than their guardians to defend them.

Aug 10, 2024 02:41 by Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII

Exactly Right! Although it is essentially a ceremonial role, you know? To act like they're there actually for a purpose!