Tracking Santa: Mrs. Claus POV

Merry Christmas to you all!   My name is Gertrude Claus.   We have many traditions here in Christmastide Valley.   One of the, if not the, newest is Extravaganzalorious. I’m sure you’ve read about it! Or what about Christmas Walking Trail? Have you heard of it? Or even Christmas Eve Launch?   (The reader has heard of all these. Just nod yes, all you naughty mortals!)   But did you ever hear about Tracking Santa?   We’ve been tracking Santa’s Journey around the World on Christmas Eve for centuries. Probably more than a millennium by now.   Let me see if can remember the earliest history of us tracking Santa, my dear husband. Now, where to even begin?   Yes! I know!   It all started centuries after the founding of Christmastide Valley and Santa’s Toy Workshop Compound. It took Nicholas years to get down how delivering toys was going to go. But by this time, he had it down really well!   The world was expanding. The Americas weren’t fully developed or even as populated as Europe, Africa, and Aisa. The United States wasn’t even a country yet. It was just a British colony. So, the USA wasn’t even formed.   But it was the American Revolutionary War.   I had known there were other times of war. But I hadn’t been his wife then. So, a few years into the war I finally told the Guardians I was scared for Nicholas being behind lines in times of war and destruction. I feared he would die. Not a true fear with him but scary, nonetheless. They listened.   They told me to tell him. Right before the session of all Guardians, I did. He even brought it up. Men don’t bring crap up! EVER! They’re setting everything aside to continue dangerous activities.   But he did. And they said okay. Magic, of course, was still alive. Barely. I knew it wouldn’t last much longer. But they asked the Dwarves to create globes for tracking Santa.   The Dwarves did and had some Elves deliver them up here. We had more than I could imagine! Maybe they wanted to ensure we had enough! Anyway, Santa and I took them to the Cavern and asked them to be filled so they could track Santa. And they were!   We then had them spread all over the Central District, Center . Even our home got one!   Once they were installed, I felt better. I actually started feeling better once they chose to do something. But when they got installed, all worry flew out the window. I thought it would also help the elves because I know how worried and scared they had been for centuries! When Nicholas left that year, we all gathered in the workshop and post office to ensure it worked.   I didn’t obsessively check it that year. But it is nice to know I can look on Christmas Eve and see where he is.   We have also Santa Spotters across Earth to help too. This, mainly though, is to check where he’s been and to ensure nothing has happened untoward him.

Positioning Globes

The Positioning Globe is a magical item for following Santa’s Christmas Eve Trip. There is one on the sleigh (on the instrument panel). And it connects back to Christmastide Valley so that the Elfin folk and others can follow him until he returns safely home. Each building in Christmas Town Central District has a positioning globe. And other buildings do as well.   This item runs on Ancient Power. It ends up depowering when magic no longer is viable on Earth. When it returns, so too does the ability to track Santa.
  Ok, I'd better go back to working on food for these hungry people!! Good day to you!


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Aug 20, 2024 04:28 by Deleyna Marr

Fun that Santa even participated in it willingly to ease her mind.
