The Seeping Curse Geographic Location in And Here There Were Dragons | World Anvil
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The Seeping Curse

It began long ago, long enough now that none alive are truly certain when it began. Once the land was flush with green, animals would roam the forest and hills, fish swam through streams, and monsters were rare. The Isle of Voni was a beautiful place, ruled by the Insasara family, with few towns and only one large city, it was the sort of place one could travel in peace.   But then the black veins began to spread. First it was among the smaller plants, ferns and bushes, found only in the depths of forests. Then came the trees, who began to sleep longer after winters end, and their fruit stopped being quite so sweet. When the wild animals began to flee or grow ill, it quickly spread to cattle and sheep, to hens and pigs, and from there to humans.   Though human sufferers were rare, The Seeping Curse was still painful for those afflicted. Burning black veins which popped from the skin, rupturing to reveal blood that was blue. A painful ache at the sight of the sun, and a curling of the hands and feet that made walking and writing impossible. When sufferers began to cough up pieces of black they were quickly taken away.   No food grown on the island is safe to eat any more, excepting that which is grown in rare fertile places. No animals can be safely consumed unless they have been watched since birth. And it is a death sentence now to walk the woods alone, as monsters have come back to haunt the once peaceful land.   Any who still live here are hardened to this pain, they live in awareness of all that has happened, and there are few who have not at least heard of a relative or friend dying of the Seeping Curse. Where this pain stems from is anyone's guess, as it moved so slowly as to go undetected for far too long, and now only the strongest potions, magic, and divine prayer can hold it at bay.   It is a curse that could destroy this land.   But it is also a curse that has united its people.


Even the land has been affected, with soil turning loose, with an odd ashen texture once it has been dug into. Grass is coarse and often brittle.

Fauna & Flora

Plants which are afflicted with this curse are more grey in color, desaturated and often with black webs seeping through.   Trees have their bark almost entirely covered in these black webs and their color more ashen than brown.   Flowers bloom rarely, and when they do they wither quickly, often becoming the color of dried blood.
Alternative Name(s)
The Whithering, The Black Vein, Spiders Web

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