Amara Venterus

Amara Venterus

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's sturdy and tough like an eladrin, but as lithe and nimble as an elf.

Body Features

She has numerous scars on her chest, back and arms.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a tatoo of a Pieris Tree growing up her neck.

Special abilities

When shes focused she can summon the freezing winds of the tundra.

Apparel & Accessories

Robes, silver jewelry, and ice themed weapons are her bread and butter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amara was born into a noble family of the Winter Court. She was raised as little more than a weapon by her father, and shown little appreciation or compassion from her mother. She was seen as a means to an end in both of their eyes, but she never knew anything different so it didn't bother her. In her late 20's she was able to best her father in combat which signaled to her parents that she was ready. They trained her to carry out missions to elevate their family in the eyes of the court and curry favor with the Queen. After she carried out a few missions on the material plane, she learned some of the customs and traditions of other types of people. She realized that her parents didn't care about her and that she was being used. She decided to leave after her family informed her that she would be married off to the Seuris family. She was warned by her mother that there would be consequences for her disobedience. She left shortly after and never looked back. Very shortly after leaving she was attacked and her belongings were stolen. She made her way to the Praxian Adventurer's League and joined her companions.

Gender Identity





Attended Bluevine Accademy from the age of 6 to 18. All of her education was centered around high society living, etiquette, and homemaking in the winter court. She was shelterd from the customs of the people on the material plane.


She was employed very briefly as an away agent for the winter court. She now is employed by the Praxian Adventure League.

Failures & Embarrassments

She hates to admit it, but shortly after leaving the feywild she fell off an embankment and was swept away. She lost all of her equiptment and hasn't been able to find it.

Mental Trauma

Necrotising flesh and decaying plants.

Morality & Philosophy

Neutral Good.

Personality Characteristics


Amara wants to explore the world. Travel as far south as possile. Visit every capital city.

Virtues & Personality perks

Amara has a very relaxed and calm demeanor. She never raises her voice or let's her emotions control her. She express affection and contempt in ways unfamiliar to those of the material plane.

Vices & Personality flaws

Amara is never above spending much more for a slightly better product.




Contacts & Relations

Alyssa: Andromeda Brandon: Ilya Evie: Loreli

Family Ties

Father: Dorian Venterus Mother: Zenyssa Venterus

Religious Views

Amara has a strong connection to the Wanderer and the Tribunal
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
9 Samhain, 2995
The Winter Court, Upper Ward
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6"
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan, Elvish


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