Countries of the Continent

Andali is a single continent with a scattering of islands that dot the oceans along its shores. It tells a storied history of conflict; wars for unity, wars for freedom, wars for sovereignty. Ultimately, it is split into two distinct empires, each controlling internal provinces to varying degrees.
  The Aurelian and Fulminarian Empires are the main rivals who spent most of the worlds existence at war. Aurelia was founded by Valus Aurelius and is the older of the two empires. Aurelius lead a war to conquer the eastern half of the continent, bringing Arcanus, Illemnor, and the Rose Protectorate into the fold. Fulminaria was formed when Aurelius turned his gaze west of the Alphidon river that divides the two empires, a coalition of city states banded together to defend their sovereignty.
  Because of its nature as a cooperative defense pact rather than a true empire, while Aurelia is a strict monarchy, Fulminaria is a much looser meritocracy, where the former emperor is encouraged to pass on the throne to one deemed worthy in due time. The city states operate almost entirely independent of imperial government, though they do send soldiers to the imperial army and give tribute to the throne for upkeep and maintenance of public utilities.
  There are some regions that lack affiliation with either empire. Kyrr is a floating city of merchants and prophets that migrates between the two, and the Red Mountains, source of the Alphidon River, are set beneath the mountains to the north. Each find it much more beneficial to their own needs and goals to remain independent from either side. The Southern Wilds, while technically a territory of the Fulminarian Empire, is largely unsettled.
  For more information, explore the Regions of Andali.


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