
It is said that there are two histories for the original creation of the elves, each as true as the other. Both say that elves are creations of the Bedlamite, blessed with indefinite lifespans, should they not fall to disease, famine, or war. But the first story tells that the elves who found their way to the Feywild were warped by fae magic, becoming eladrin. The other says that all elves were once eladrin, and any who left they Feywild changed to embrace the more mundane Mortal Plane, becoming elves.   Regardless, elves migrated across the face of Andali and the Feywild, populating the forests and green spaces, and gradually adopting new traits to best fit their chosen environment.  

High Elves

High elves are scholars and diplomats, living in metropolitan cities throughout the empires. They are often inclined to fields of arcane or artistic study, and their work often finds them traveling the continent to absorb all Andali has to offer. They find their callings in study of the world around them, acting as caretakers of the peace, or mastering the Call.  

Wood Elves

When the treants of Arborea still roamed, the wood elves were a happy folk. They lived in giant, migratory enclaves that lived in the colossal trees that traveled the countryside. They worshipped under the moon Felicitus, and were favored by the Wanderer and Muse. However, after the Night of Silver Tears, the population was decimated, with many wood elves who lived outside the borders of Arcanus perishing.   However, one treant was able to escape the bloodshed and still roams the countryside of Illemnor, holding the last of the wood elves of Arborea. And yet more dwell in the Red Forest, and even some are rumored to hold a secret stronghold in the Northern Forest. So wood elves, while rare, can be found scattered across the continent.  

Dark Elves

Any wood elf close enough to Arcanus, an island city off the southern coast, was saved on the Night of Silver Tears by the Speaker. When the Darkblight swept the land, the Silver Tree descended from above to cover them, and a countercurse swept the land, taking the infection and recreating those it touched to incorporate the blight into their very being and give them a natural immunity.   These elves, called drow, made their home beneath the Silver Tree, constructing a great tower in its trunk and spreading out from there. Many of the citizens share an affinity for dragonic magic, and the ruling house of the city, House Dreux, is marked by silver dragon scales that cover their forms.  

Sun Elves

Sun elves live in high mountain villages across Western Aurelia. Their settlements are marked by large monasteries that welcome pilgrims from across the land and often attract merchants and craftsman who settle around the central monastery. Thus sun elves are found in these cities and spread across the empires after immigrating as merchants.   There are two central hubs of sun elf settlements, one in Leholohn, where the Sol Conclave governs the mountainside. Sun elves here worship a couatl of the same name and have been known to war with the drow to the south. The other hub is in the Southern Wilds of Fulminaria, where a network of mountain cities live, embracing a monastic tradition of peace and nonengagement.   Though not a majority of the population, Helorix also has a large population of sun elves from the original village, settled by Valus Aurelius, that would grow to become the bustling capital.  

Moon Elves

Moon elves call the open plains of Fulminaria home. They live in quaint homesteads beneath the open sky, embracing the light of both Felicitus and Faustus as the two potentials that live within every Mortal; the ability to heal as well as harm, and the balance that must be struck between the two forces. These elves were field medics in many of the battles of the war, and since the Peace have continued to work as healers in various fields.  

Sea Elves

Living in small villages along the coasts of Andali, sea elves make a maritime life above and below the waves. Their cities cover the coast and shallows of Southern Aurelia, and sea elves make up a majority of the seafaring tradesmen on any coastline. It is rumored that there is a deep sea empire off the Southern Coast ruled by sea elves and triton, but many dismiss this Atlantis as a myth, including the sea elves who call the coast their home.  


Elves which never left the Feywild, or elves that migrated to the Feywild, depending on the history you believe, are called eladrin. Eladrin make up a majority of the Seelie population across the lands of the fair folk. Each embraces the season which rules the Court they live in, taking on aspects of the season to match; the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter Courts rule the Feywild. These Courts are known to reflect the characteristics of their season in their personality traits, but it is not impossible for a Winter eladrin to harbor warm feelings and attitudes, and similarly for a Spring eladrin to be as sour as unripe grapes.   Eladrin are rarely seen on the Mortal Plane, and when they are they are likely to be visiting for a specific mission, after which has concluded they will return to the Feywild.  


Nearly as common as humans, half-elves and half-eladrin are found across Andali wherever elves mingle with other species, though they are more likely to be found in the capital cities of each empire and the closest human settlements to elvish strongholds.


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