Episode 1: Surprise Guest

General Summary

Welcom to Andali! This vast and vibrant world was built up by the gods on a vast wasteland of forgotten and desolate realms. Two thousand years ago, following the Cataclysm, the Bedlamite, god of chaos, shaped the mortal plane across the bones of the Precursor World, breathing life into an otherwise barren landscape.

The other Gods, living alone in their harmonic spheres, were intrigued. They bound themselves to the mortal plane in different ways, each lending their attributes to assist in the creation of life.

The Wanderer was first to join the Bedlamite. A god of nature, the Wanderer wanted to seed the most basic form of life back into the world, and from the Feywild it sent eladrin to sew plant life to bloom across the verdant soil.

The Archivist was next to follow, creating sentient life across the rolling hills and planes of what would one day become the Rose Protectorate, and in doing so intrigued the Monarch and the Devil.

Each in turn tried to influence sentient life in one moral direction or the other, much to the Bedlamite’s Delight, giving rise to the three Aspects of the Rider, War, Pestilence, and Death, which followed in the conquest.

In an attempt to stay the conflict, the Tribunal sought to cease the conflict by introducing law and order to the Mortal World. This merely enhanced the conflict. It gave rise to empires and nationalism.

With this new kind of conflict, not between people but between nations, a young King named Aurelius Valus began to seak diplomatic ties with its surrounding kingdoms. With their combined strength, they were able to conquer any who would not join them, creating the Aurelian Empire.

There came a point in the war when only one nation stood against the Aurelian Empire, separating the planes of Eastern Andali from the forested west. A young human named Elaria Valoric rallied a small group of tribes around her to oppose the might of the Empire.

In a dream, the Bard finally deemed fit to give its gift to the world. It whispered the secrets of magic to Elaria in a dream, giving her the opportunity to tap into the Call, the great heartbeat of the world, and unlocking the potential within her to use magic. She used this magic to beseech the Tribunal to even the playing field, and was gifted the first weapon of the gods, a great blade called the Stormdancer, to wield against her foes. The battle which followed became known as the Stand of Storms, which turned the forces of the Empire away.

Following this, a sect of the Aurelian Empire, the Rose Protectorate, began to feverishly research a way to utilize this new technology. They were able to tap into the vast network of Leylines beneath the earth, the veins which the Call reverberates through, and harnessed arcane magic. It is rumored that the Fey had something to do with this discovery, but the details are hazy.

In the last great battle of the war, Praxis, an eladrin general of the Aurelian Empire, called out to the Monarch for aid, and the Monarch answered. Praxis ended the battle singlehandedly, wielding the fiery blade of the Monarch, Dawnfire. Soon after, the two world powers came to a stand still, and the Accords were signed by all the nations within both empires; the united front of the Fulminarian Empire and all the lands controlled by the Aurelian Empire, including the Rose Protectorate, the Republic of Illemnor, and the Theocracy of Arctiax. Both the Summer and Winter courts of the Feywild also signed the Accords as a measure to ensure peace; the deal was struck that the Fey would stay out of the affairs of mortals so long as mortals would stay out of the affairs of the Fey.

Our story begins with four adventurers relaxing on a Friday night, sipping drinks in a bar named the Nine Knights Inn, colloquially known as the Embassy. It is in upper Helorus, near the halls of Amphiaraus where the Accords Conferences are held, and it is bumping in the days leading up to the Conference. Each wing is designed to mirror aspects of the region it represents, and members of every nation are welcomed here.

Valan Sildurflame, stoic drunkard, and Charlie Oak, AKA Effigy, were both in the Embassy with Idris Epoch, the Vagabond, leader of the Tenebric Vanguard, who was attempting to get the Speaker of the Baerwood to try a drink.

Valeria Bouclier arrived earliest in the night, keeping an eye on Matriarch Sonilyth Dreux, High Matron of the Drow, in her position as Ward of the Matriarch. Until the Matriarch stepped out for a "clandestine meeting" with Emperor Adrian Valus, at which point Valeria was put in charge of watching out for Sonilyth's two daughters, Vyra and Dahlia.

Tyra Dawnbreaker joined Valan at the fountain for a drink, where the two of them met Dahlia for the first time. Dahlia Dreux is the eldest daughter of the High Matron, but is not the heir apparent of the House. She is known to spend her days carousing and using her dashing good looks to cajole free drinks out of unsuspecting bystanders.

The party learned of a number of rumors circulating the Empire approaching the Accords. Attacks by fomorians, a group of incredibly ugly giants native to the Feywild, have been at an all time high. Other rumors are circulating about the most recent haul that the goliath merchants have brought into the city, and the shopkeeper at the Arcane Sanctum has gotten his grubby little hands on something especially powerful.

The peaceful night was brought to an abrupt end when a fomorian climbed out of the Fountain, scaring off all the patrons save the party, Idris, and Dahlia. After a disturbing fight, which landed Valeria with debilitating physical deformities. The Vagabond commented that these ugly goons have been showing up all over the place, even taking down some Silver members of the Praxean League. This one in particular was smaller than normal. And seemed to be pulling its punches. You have been warned.

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Missions/Quests Completed


Character(s) interacted with

Idris Epoch, the Vagabond: Founder and leader of the Tenebric Vanguard, Idris is a loudmouthed gunslinger with a penchant for drink (Signer of the Accords).

The Speaker of the Baerwood: For someone called the Speaker, she is a woman of few words.

Matriarch Sonilyth: Interacted with in name alone, Solilyth Dreux is the High Matron of the Drow who left the Embassy early in the night to meet with Emperor Valus (Signer of the Accords).

Dahlia Dreux: The rebel older child, Dahlia plays second fiddle to her sister Vyra in house politics and she isn't happy about it.

Vyra Dreux: The Heir to the Theocracy of Arctiax, Vyra is an incredibly well behaved royal. She is following the example of her mother, learning how to become the next High Matron.

Archmage Reharis: The high elf head of the Zhestian Order. He carried a strange silver sword and wrote furiously in his book when not speaking to someone. Very little actually uncovered about him (Signer of the Accords).

Leonidas Crane: Head of the Golden Gauntlet and general of all the Aurelian armed forces.

Nicodemus Anduriel: Emperor of the Fulminarian Empire (Signer of the Accords).

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If you read all the way to this point, message me "Dahlia is my type" and you'll get inspiration going into next session.
Report Date
15 May 2021


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