Episode 26: The Atlas of Kings

General Summary

Following the coronation ceremony, the Lords Flamebringer had a relatively uneventful stay in Arcanus. They spoke with Greasy Derek, Mage of the Seven Skies, to prepare for their journey to Heloris. The Wizard had taken the liberty of stalking their furnace and stores for the trip, courtesy of the High Matron Dahlia, and also offered to get them the supplies needed for a trip north to the Beacon, their new tower. They bought the supplies, but decided to travel directly to Heloris to deliver the heir apparent.

During the flight, they spent a large amount of time deciphering the Kings Atlas, discovering the keyword, “strings,” and pulling the icons off the map and piecing them together to discover that they piece together a second map; one of a forgotten realm that Valen recognized from their travels in Myr, a place called Faerun. A note at the top read “where are you?”

While traveling, Callisto had a short conversation with Pharos about the Gloomwood and his residency in it. Pharos had not lived there long, but Callisto reminisced about its beauty when it was still Arborea. He hoped that they would someday be able to return it to its former beauty, free of the dangers the Dark Blight imposed.

After landing in the fields outside the city, they made their way through the quiet streets of Heloris under the cover of nightfall. When they approached Leonidas’ office, they saw that the door was cracked open and they could hear heated voices rising out of it.

“Gods damn it no,” came Leonidas’ stern baritone. “We cannot risk the stability of our nations on a far flung hope that they may succeed where we failed.”

“I’m telling you, Eumoras, this group, the Flambringers, they could do it,” said another in reply. The voice, while familiar, was hard to place. “They killed the false Actiax, they chased the Inquisitors out of Arcanus. Devil’s Hands, they killed Reharis for fucks sake. If anyone can do it, they could.”

“Phillip, the last time we started this conflict, continents sank. We were at war for nearly a thousand years. Praxis nearly killed the Monarch and what do we have to show for it? Silent gods leaving us to a world of untenable evils. I am not starting this again based on a vision bequeathed onto you and your cult by the Stranger, a god famous for its cryptic inaction.”

“The Pathfinders were not a cult, we were an organization dedicated to silencing the Dead Powers for the final time,” said the voice, now identified as the Pathfinder. “I am doing this with or without your blessing, old man. I don’t need you.”

At which point, the door to Leonidas’ office was flung open and the Pathfinder stared at the group, dumbfounded for a moment. Then, gesturing to the Divine Armaments in the possession of the party, and said, “Come find me when you’re ready to learn what you can really do with those.” And then snapped away with a flash of lavender-scented smoke.

Leonidas welcomed the Flamebringers into his office, loolking very tired as he did so. “Nevermind that. It is a decades-old quarrel that should have been laid to rest when we brokered the Peace. What can I do for you, Flamebringers?”

Then, Tyra presented Vyria Dreux, claimant to the throne by right of blood. Vyria stepped forward and Leonidas welcomed her, but furrowed his brow. He then explained to the group that another had arrived, Elias Valkyrix, son of Aurelian Valus, had arrived from Illemnor not a week before to lay his claim. Now, because there are two claimants, both with equal validity and stature, there would have to be a Kingsmoot called, where lords from across the empire would be called together to vote on who would take the throne.

After some deliberating on how the Kingsmoot would be run, in which the Flamebringers realized that their title as lords brings with it some responsibilities and they would be invited to several caucus galas and be given a vote themselves, Vyria excused herself to prepare for the coming political engagement, and the Flamebringers brought out the blade of Dawnfire and placed it on the desk.

Leonidas paused for a moment before speaking again. “This is amazing. I never thought I’d see the blade and hilt of Dawnfire reunited. But now that it has, I have a request to make of you. Due to a delicate situation here, I cannot leave Heloris. But, under a word as bond, I will entrust you with the hilt and blade of Dawnfire. Take them to the Red Mountains and give them to Forgemaster Doromir. Only his skill can reforge the blade that was broken in the time before. Do this, and Aurelia will be forever in your debt.”

Then, the Flamebringers retired to their ship and began to prepare for the journey north to the Red Mountains, birthplace of the warforged and domicile of Forgemaster Doromir.


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