Episode 27: A Challenger Approaches

General Summary

This is a reminder that this will be the last public recap that I publish for a bit. Because I realized that these recaps render note taking obsolete, and note taking is part of the fun. We'll be using the Quick Sheet from now on, and I will continue writing the recaps, but they will only be published at the end of each arc.

As the sun rose over the fields of Aurelia and the Flamebringers began to ready their ship for take off, a large carriage began to thunder down the road towards the ship, coming from the direction of the city. It was flanked by four outriders, each astride a low-flying griffon.

The carriage pulled up to a screeching, cantankerous halt at the foot of the gangplank, and one of the drivers leapt from his seat to scramble up the walkway. He is dressed in an Illemnorian pages uniform, complete with a puffy barrett and Lord Farquad bowl cut.

"It is my honor," he exclaimed. "To introduce to you his majesty Elias of House Valkyrix, Lord of the Wildfyr Conclave and claimant to the throne by right of blood, son of Aurelian Valus."

After saying this, the page keeled over to the side, panting and out of breath, while a man in very regal ceremonial armor steps onto you ship. His burnished red hair is cut into a conservatives taper and styled back, his armor is styled in the soft silvers, golds and greens of the Republic but designed with graceful, delicate curves to it as to catch the sunlight to appear as if flame danced across his body as he walks. He carries a winged helm under his arm, and on his shoulder, he bears a circular symbol of fire.

"Hello, esteemed Lords Flamebringer. I hear you have been so keen as deliver my dear half-sister here for the Kingsmoot. How kind of you. I had hoped I could catch you before you departed for your next adventure that I might introduce myself and catch your good graces.

"Tell me, did you enjoy Arcanus? I have heard that you were able to oust House Deveraux from its perch. I actually also wanted to thank you; with those leeching shadow stalkers driven out of Arcanus, I'm sure the Western War will finally resolve itself shortly."

This was met with some incredulous glances and a question from Tyra on the true nature of the Western War. Elias assured them that the Western War was based mostly in the knowledge that House Deveraux were some sort of energy leeches that had taken advantage of the cities solar defenses and used it to fuel their nefarious acts.

"Now that that is sorted, I'm told that you have ties with the new High Matron, Lady Dahlia Dreux. Any chance you could use those connections to smooth over any peace agreements there?"

After again being met with incredulous glances, he added, "I jest, of course."

"Now," he continued. I am sure you must be going, busy adventurers as you are, and I must assure you that it has been an absolute pleasure to get this opportunity to speak with the newly ascendent Lords Flamebringer. I hope you find your new abode accommodating; I have heard wonderous things about the Beacon, you should be honored to receive such a treasured landmark."

As he was speaking, two of his guards began to walk up the gangplank carrying a huge bejeweled chest between them.

"As a token of my gratitude, I have brought you this gift. Good day, good luck, and gods speed." And with that, he and his retinue disembarked and their carriage sped back in the direction of Helorix.

Opening the chest, which itself was encrusted with gold and gems, set with a pearl inlay on the outside, the party found the velvet-lined interior to be filled with gems; about 250,000 gold worth. And the chest itself could fetch quite a price.

The party took off and quickly hit a storm. While it was a threatening thunderstorm to those in the air, it was an artificial creation of the druid farmers of the Aurelian steppes, and so the party chose to fly over it. In doing so, they encountered Leholohn, the great couatl of the Suns of Leholohn; the faction of monks that drive the conflict between Illemnor and Arctaxia. They sensed the party, casting a calming light over the group as they spoke. It offered them a boon, should they choose to accept it, and an invitation to visit their home in the mountains of Illemnor, believing that they are the adventurers who are ordained by prophecy to recieve something that it has in its care.

After a few more days travel, as the sun was setting, a giant Green Knight appeared on the deck. He was around nine feet tall, dressed from head to toe in green plate that sprouted leaves that rustled as he walked. His hair, beard, and flesh had a similar green tinge and leafiness to them. He greeted the party heartily:

"Hail and well met, adventurers. I welcome you to my lady's realm; for wherever the light touches is the kingdom of Titania, Queen of Sun and Sky. I am the Summer Knight, or the Green Knight as some call me."

After some ribbing and riffing surrounding his name, he challenged the party to a game of luck and skill. They accepted, he conjured a round of drinks for the group, and everyone was promptly turned into either an eagle, or a hare, and sent thousands of feet in the air above the ship.

After a brief toss about in the sky, a series of several aerial tricks from Valan and Callisto, the catch of a lifetime from Jules and Vanderlith, a return to normalcy for Pharos, and careful maths from Tyra and Olette, the group all landed safely on the ship and were returned to their normal selves.

As the sun set, they could hear the Green Knight's jolly laughter on the wind, telling them all to consider this their invitation to his court, whenever they may please.

On the approach to the Red Mountains, the group came across something in the sky. A strange green line, stretching across the horizon, floating at the normal cruising altitude for an airship. The crew brought the ship to a halt, and hovered over the mysterious line, investigating it.

Vanderlith began to cast an identify ritual on it. Olette began to investigate it, determining that it was some sort of illusion. As they watched, it faded from green to a seasick lime color, and then to a highlighter yellow.

Continuing to investigate, they gathered around and watched it fade from dandelion yellow to a sunset orange, then to red, and finally to a deep blood red.

And then the train hit them.

Thrown across the deck, Tyra, Callisto, and Vanderlith were knocked unconscious immediately, while Jules and Valan managed to get out of the way just in time. Pharos, safe in the crows nest, took off after the crashing train to attempt to rescue anyone who may have been on board. Olette was killed instantly on impact.

As Valan and Jules watched, the robes Olette wore dug their black tendrils into her skin, pulling the robes tighter as the roots began to absorb her remaining life force. After a series of sickening cracks and final gasps of air, Ollete's entire body was pulled inside the robes, which fell to the floor.

Unsure of quite what to do from there and amazed the ship was still afloat with a hole through the crew quarters, Valan and Jules set about reviving who they could, getting Tyra and Vanderlith back on their feet.

Pharos, on the ship, discovered that it was not filled with people, but in fact warforged, packed tightly in racks throughout the cargo bay of the train. As the train fell, he used his amnethyst gemstone to soften the fall before closing the distance again to investigate.

On the ship, they began to navigate to follow, but realized that Callisto wasn't getting up. Not only that, but as they pressed their weapons into the seemingly living robes, he thrashed and convulsed. As Tyra inspected him with their Divine Sight, they discovered that Callisto was riddled with the Dark Blight; something that had not been the case in any other inspection.

Leaving that for a time, they went down to inspect the ship, finding the pilot alive. After discussing whether they should kill him or save him, they eventually decided to resuscitate him, at which point Gerard Puck thanked them gratuitously and offered to connect them with his brother, Gregory Puck, in the administrative offices of Dur Bolduhr, and a discount for their ship's repairs.

After a few more days of travel, the Flamebringers finally arrived Dur Bolduhr. The ship was flagged down to land in a huge expanse of landing strips that extended from the mountain. On approach, a mechanical arm piloted by a gnome inside a crane-like arm reached up and gingerly caught the airship, bringing it inside the mountain and placing it in one of many docking spaces.

The party arrived in the Skyport of the Hollow Mountain, Dur Bolduhr; capital of the Red Mountains. They could see sleek, rectangular sky carriages taking off after being loaded with sealed metal crates and airships of every make and model soaring in and out to and from the coastline.

It is much like they remember it; a bustling city, full of lively folk who deal in all sorts of trade, but this time instead of viewing it from the seaport, they are coming at it from the top down; a very different experience.

They were able to look down from the Skyport at the layers of the city below, taking in a view that feels as if it should not be possible. The interior of the mountain appears hollow, with pillars of stone acres across rising up out of the darkness below to hold up the cavernous ceiling above. Buildings and walkways are built into these pillars, crescendoing together until they reach the peak of the mountain, where the party could see the royal entrance to King Durum Lighthammer's throne room.

As they landed, a gnome in a silvery, mechanical exoframe slides a gangplank up to the ship.

"Greetings. Your ship's arrival has been documentsd. Do you have any hazardous cargo you would like to declare before you disembark? There will be a fine of 1,000 gold for any undeclared hazardous materials identified at market or seized by customs."

The party took this time to declare the robe, which they had put into a lead-lined box, but did not identify Callisto, their comatose companion, who was currently nestled in what remained of the crew quarters.

During this time, while Pharos, Valan, Vanderlith, and Jules went to the port authority, Tyra revived Olette with their final wish from the Grey. She came back as a wood elf, so that's crazy.

Going to the port authority, the others passed through an office building built into the side of the mountain from which they entered and into a grand waiting room. It is the art deco, Grand Central Station of waiting rooms. At the far end, next to a caged area that looks like the space bank tellers sit behind in a fancy bank, they saw the stairs up to the office of Gregory Puck.

The waiting area was filled with merchants and travelers. As they waded through the crowd, a family of dwarves scurried past with luggage, talking about travel approval to the lower districts to see the Singing Caverns, while another clump of merchants argued about the value of trade bars while flanked by their warforged servants heavily laden with said trade bars. One has a flumph in a cage sittin gon top of the bars.

After speaking with Gregory Puck, who thanked them profusely for saving his brother and promised a discounted repair of their ship, though it would still take 113 days, give or take, he laughed in their faces for asking to see the Grand Forgemaster. He suggested, since they didn't submit the proper paperwork months ago, they should petition the king for an exception.

And that is where the party left off; approaching the long line of petitioners waiting for the kings benevolent attendance.

Rewards Granted

  • 250,000 gold and a large bejeweled chest
  • The invitation of the Green Knight
  • The invitation of Leholohn
  • Boon of Leholohn

Missions/Quests Completed

Made it to Dur Bolduhr
Report Date
17 Mar 2023


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