Episode 7: A Vagabond's Farewell

General Summary

After a turbulent night at sea, the party all woke up on a beach, submerged in water up to their necks and chained on to what felt to be stools of rough stone. Around them in half circle were twelve columns, at the base of each was a marble throne. Each throne held a very stern looking person of a wide variety of races, ranging from human to tiefling to merfolk all dressed in blue, black, or brown robes, and they appeared to be arguing amongst themselves.

The party could hear snippets of the conversation they were having, including "We should just kill them now," "We don't need to wait for the Regent, I'll do it myself if I have to just give me a sword," and "They weren't invited, how did they get in?" Eventually, a red tiefling in blue robes informed them that they were currently deciding if they should be put to death or not, and he requested they wait patiently.

While the Coral Council, as they called themselves, was deliberating that, the group realized they had a new member. Fives, the unfortunate last living member of his family, had made it to shore with the rest of the party. Unfortunately, it would appear that he had hit his head somewhere along the way, and was feeling rather forgetful.

The Council's deliberations are interrupted when the Regent appears. She is a woman in a sheer white gown with golden armaments holding everything in check, and she is very upset that the Council has come to this decision without consulting her, after getting their first surprise guests in nearly a century. She instead suggests that they attempt a trial by combat to let the gods decide what to do with them.

The trial by combat was rough. After battling a peryton, a manticore, and a troll with minimal casualties, though more than a few bruises, they proved their worth and were allowed onto the island. The Regent, introducing herself as Myrron, welcomed them into the winners suite, and made them a deal. If they handled a problem for the island, she would give them secure passage off the island. The captain of the guard, a dark elf named Errendir who had been with them for almost a decade, had betrayed them and sealed himself in with the arcane power source of the island. She feared for the safety of the island, as without the power source they would be dashed upon the rocks of time and space, knocked loose from their secure spot within the space in between cosmologies. She told them to meet her in her palace when they are ready to go, but until then they had free reign of the city.

Taking advantage of this, everyone went their separate ways for a time, but reconvened at the Oni's Emporium, where an old dwarvish man sold items of rare arcane power, and they spent the afternoon resting there.

Upon leaving the Emporium, the party made their way up to the palace, where many of the group saw stars for the first time, and the three moons of Myrr. Here was where the Vagabond revealed to them that he was planning on staying here for quite a while after the job was done. Tyra asked if he would still go by the Vagabond, to which he said he might go back to an older name, Levistus or something, to which Valan narrowed his eyes in suspicion but didn't say anything.

Meeting Myrron in her throne room, the group was informed of their next step: they were to go down through the well in the center of the room and speak to an alchemist trapped at the bottom. He would then direct them to the catacombs and from their to the power source.

Argon Mionore was a very strange man. Upon entering his air pocket, the group was almost frozen to death when he blasted them with cold energy in his surprise, but then he welcomed them into his home after he realized that they weren't a threat. He levied a lot of accusations at the Coral Council, blaming them for his unjust incarceration, although he did admit that he had broken in through the barrier while trying to map out where Myrr was on several different maps, many of which the party didn't recognize. But he seemed nice enough, he brought the group tea and seemed to take care of his pseudodragon Jewel fairly decently. Tyra asked where he was from, and he said that he was from a place they've probably never heard of, Faerûn. When he arrived, he only had a badge of office, the Silver Harp pendant, and his blue wizarding robes. And then he got back on track, gave them the map they were looking for, and sent them on their merry way.

The map activated as soon as it touched the water, and it whisked the party off, bringing them to the catacombs. After some loose encounters and puzzle solving that went worse than expected, they made it to the power core. Inside, there was a dark elf with burnt red hair that was syphoning the power off of the the arcane power source of the island.

During the ensuing combat, the antagonist seemed oddly confused with everything that was happening; he was surprised that more than one person had a gun, he was surprised the party could block his attacks, and he was surprised that the parties magic was affecting him. He only seemed mildly inconvenienced when he died; more confused than concerned.

True to her word, the Regent gifted the party a boat after they brought the news that Errendir had been defeated. For a while the Vagabond sailed out with the rest of them, before getting onto a life boat and preparing to sail off. He informed the group that he was hired to kill the Emperor by none other than the Emperor himself in some weird glorified suicide. After telling them to make sure the Vanguard gets its money, he drifted into the fog as he drew his gun. There was a flash of light and a single shot rang out. Then, there was a large splash and the rushing of wind as a massive form passed overhead. The Vagabond's gun, the Jolly Green Dragon, clattered to the deck as the soaring form turned back around towards the island.

Rewards Granted

Various purchases at the Oni's Emporium.

From the Crypt: Wand of Polymorph, Wand of Lightning Bolts, Wand of Paralysis, and a +2 Longsword.

The Jolly Green Dragon.

Character(s) interacted with

The Coral Council: A diverse group of assholes.

Fives: Very confused former pirate, but one who has nicely adopted to life within the group.

The Regent: Myrron, a relatively level headed, timeless ruler of Myrr.

Argon Mionore: A strange cartographer from an equally strange land.

Errendir: Bad bad man


For extra credit, tell me a crackpot conspiracy theory that you have about the world, whether that be the real world or Andali.
Report Date
26 Jun 2021


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