Episode 8: Nine By Nine Heroes Bound By Sin

General Summary

The session began simple, but it didn't end simple. The group revisited Myrr, traveling back through time to visit some of the locals within the city. Tyra spoke to the Regent to arrange for Argon Mionore's release from his watery prison, and she begrudgingly agreed that he could be released on parole. Valeria went to the Shrine of the Grey, where she learned about the gods of Myrr, the good gods Branchala, Habbakuk, Kiri-Jolith, Majere, Mishakal, Paladine, and Solinarib, the neutral gods, Chislev, Gilean, Lunitari, Reorx, Sirrion, Shinare, and Zivilyn, and the evil gods, Chemosh, Hiddukel, Moirion, Nuitari, Sargonnas, Takhisis, and Zeboim. The priest who helped her also helped her to understand the concept of planets, describing them as massive islands on an infinite sea. Valan went to The Griffon's Blades to speak to Mesbia and learn how to mend his weapons. Fives went to the Dancing Merman, where he learned that good wine and a healing potion make an incredible combination. Dahlia and Tyra judged him a little bit for this, but in the end just let sleeping dogs lie.

Valeria soon arrived at the bar as well, where she joined the conversation the others had started on how it would work when they went back, due to the possibility of time travel, and it became clear that Dahlia has read a lot of science fiction novels. Valan, still in The Griffon's Blades, was speaking with Mesbia about how Myrr itself worked, which she described using pieces of metal, breaking one chunk off of an iron bar and welding it to a central coin to describe how the Invitations ferry passengers back and forth through worlds.

The party then left back for the Thunderer's Coast. Moving through the fog, four portals opened up in front of the boat. The first lead to a bustling port city of sky scraping towers and a keep in the center of the city built onto a small mountain. Huge galleon ships lined the waterways, but flew unfamiliar flags. The air was filled with traffic; flying brooms, griffon riders, and other various flight machines were present.

The second choice was a desolate grey wasteland. The sea was silty there, covered by what would appear to be volcanic ash. The sky is grey, and in the distance on the coast was a ruined city. There is little movement aside from the lapping of the waves against the shoreline.

The third opened into a familiar sight. The city of Ignix rose in the distance, the colorful ornamentation of the Artisan's Faire still visible. The main event looked to be a large float in the center of the city boasting an intricately designed mechanical automaton that people are lined up to visit.

The fourth portal opened up into a world that radiated life. Nymphs danced in the water amongst crystalline waves, along the shoreline, satyrs danced through a well kept line of trees that shine a verdant green against a rising wall of beautiful white and gold palace that rose behind it. Fives felt a tug in his soul and recognized this as the palace of the Summer Court, which is located as a mirrored reflection of Ignix in the Feywild.

After a brief moment of tension in which the assumedly obvious decision of which portal to go through was debated for about five minutes too long, much to the concern of some of party members, mainly Dahlia and Callisto and anyone else present who was controlled by the Voice, but in the end the party decided to return to Ignix.

Upon crossing over, the party ran into none other than Captain Eammon McGregor, who sailed what was left of the Ghost of Fire back towards the port of Ignix. Tyra reached out and brought him up onto the ship, at which point the Ghost of Fire sank beneath the waves. McGregor had quite the tale to tell, singing a song of luck and grit in which he single handedly fought off the crew of the ghost ship before escaping the maelstrom by sheer power of will alone and made it here. The party filled him in on what happened, McGregor filled Fives in a little bit on his past, and the crew drank and sailed back together. Callisto had a moment when he was very drunk, giving a thousand yard stare into the distance and remembering all the people he has outlived, but it was a brief moment of weakness and he passed out shortly thereafter.

Pulling back into town, the party received news of a massacre in the town square and that a civil war had erupted between Arctiax and Illemnor. When they arrived in town, Valan disappeared and didn't come back. Everyone else spent some time wandering around, doing some minor investigation into the attack. As it turned out, while the newspaper had spun the story so that if you just heard the headline, "Changeling Massacre in Valoric Square," you might think it was a massacre by changelings of normal people, it was instead an event where many changelings were killed. Tyra found a silvered candy stamped with the emblem of Cirque de Stille, but gave them the benefit of the doubt in hopes that someone had tampered with their candy.

After waiting two days for Valan, the group decided to travel northward on the boat without him. They were planning on stopping in Honeywell for the Hazel Festival, as McGregor wanted to pick up some of their hazel mead, but when they approached they saw that the village was nigh on destroyed, remnants of fire burning in the town as countless more changelings lay dead. Needless to say, the party did not stop.

After a brief stop in Dur Boldohr, where the party registered their new ship as The Ghost of the Lost, and sequestered Captain McGregor to watch over it and not drive it anywhere to do piracy, they traveled back to Sirenwall where they ran into Valan on the road. Tyra and Dahlia were understandably upset at him for leaving without a word and without a note. They returned to the citadel, and found that the sword was missing. After a prolonged stand off, Valan finally revealed that he did have it, again to the chagrin of Tyra, Valeria, and Dahlia, and the betrayal of Callisto. Valan said that he had taken it early to ensure that no one else in the party would take it and keep it, however this supposedly altruistic move seemed to only broadcast his distrust in his fellow party members that at this point he had been travelling with for upwards of three months. Fives took that opportunity to steal more platinum, because apparently the purpose of putting it back was lost on him.

After a night of angry drinking, Valeria found herself in a cave, surrounded by myconids, who were treating her as a goddess. She left them with the command to expand within the cave and convert those who do not submit. So that'll be fun to come back to. The party then contracted the Pathfinder to teleport them back to Helorus, where they had a conversation with Leonidas while the Empire mobilized for war. At the end of it, Leonidas offered the Stormdancer to the group. After a moment of silence, Leonidas offered to give it Lythea instead, at which point Callisto stepped up and said he would take it if none of them did, and then, after spending most of their time during the last month upset that any one person should have the blade, Tyra the healing sorcerer moral compass of the group stepped up to take the blade. With this action, Tyra, Valeria, Valan, Charles, Fives, Dahlia, Callisto, Captain Eammon McGreggor, and Sovereign Leonidas Crane became nine heroes who together orchestrated the theft of the ancestral blade of the Fulminarian Empire while its emperor is comatose.

Damn, this whole session would have ran a lot smoother if Charles Aurus-Valoric, descendant of Elaria Valoric, founder of the Fulminarian Empire and first wielder of Stormdancer, were still alive.

Rewards Granted

Level 5


Very Rare magic item vouchers

Missions/Quests Completed

Stormdancer Retrieved

Character(s) interacted with

The Regent: She's still pretty cool, she even agreed to release the missing Harper

Mesbia: Taught Valan mending

Captain Eammon McGregor: New first mate of The Ghost of the Lost

Naial D'Het ad Krone: International news reporter for the Dark Light

Vesandra de Castello: racially biased reporter for the Dark Light

The Myconids of the Silver One: Will consume and grow and come back to support you all in your time of greatest need

The Pathfinder: Is he helping you? What is his motive? Why is he doing what he does?


This weeks extra credit, which god have you met and where? If you all get it right, I'll give you another clue to where a divine armament is, and it'll be a real softball. DM it to me on Discord, so I have a solid record of it.
Report Date
03 Jul 2021


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