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Every Initiated knows what they are getting into when they undertake the Trials. They have done the arcane research, unlocked Forbidden knowledge, and proceeded into the Dark Below of their own will, knowing that they may not come out the same, or at all. And if they went in with allies, it was more than likely they would come out with none. They fought tooth and nail to be allowed into the Tower, and they would fight harder to maintain their position within it, whether it meant sacrificing their companions or the rest of the world. They rise in rank, becoming a Lieutenant, then Divisionary, and finally and Admiral. If they are lucky, and if they are not outmatched by an Apolytos, they might even ascend to Nephilim. The Tower was the pinnacle of Mortal achievement in Andali, the arcane center of the world, and if finding the answers they sought meant forsaking the rest of the world, so be it.

Every Apolytos, those who are brought into the Tower not by passing the Trials but by a mark at birth, brought into the world at such a moment that their Heart already beats in time with the Call, their natural rhythm syncing with that of the Planet’s. These are the ones who are the most in tune with the Call across all Andali. Magic comes as second nature to them, and even without training they are able to manifest greater magics than many of even the most experienced Initiated. They were raised in the Tower, brought up on the mission of the Scribes, and were willing to do whatever it took to preserve the hope for the future their Order had instilled in them.

The Nephilim are the highest ranking members of the Scribes. They were lived preternaturally lives, prolonged by the sustaining thrum of the Call. Not all of them began as Apolytos, but the most powerful among them did. They were the Spiders at the center of the web, waiting for their prey to fall in so they would pull the strands together. Or so they thought As far as the rest of Andali knows, every single one of them died in the Rending of the Tower.

The Excommunicated are those within the Order who have left it. Apolytos are offered the choice at their coming of age; after being raised in the truth, they are offered the choice to continue their training, or leave. Sometimes, an Excommunicated is one who has betrayed the Tower or defected from their ranks. But sometimes, someone is Excommunicated for crimes so heinous, they are not spoken of in the Light. There are some things too dangerous for even the Scribes to unravel.

All members of the Order have at one point or another communed with the Darkness. They understand where it is their order draws power from, they know what force sustains their knowledge. The Tower is powered by the Dark. Simple as that. A Darkness stretches beneath the world like an Infinite River. Yawning in the depths and full of malice, it runs beneath the surface like a second skin and shields the Leylines from the world, coveting them like a precious treasure hoard. The Scribes understand that to touch the Darkness is to touch the purest form of magic a Mortal can fathom. And it gives them the ability to survive; to learn whatever they can from this life, and so long as they continue learning, they continue living.

Every Scribe knew when the Tower fell. Whether they were an Initiated, Lieutenants, Divisionaries, Admirals, Apolytos, and Nephilim, or long Excommunicated, they knew. Anyone whose Heart had been so carefully synced to the Call could feel the wave of energy wash over the entire world as the Tree was opened, and the Mind set free.

To many, the Tower was home. To many, the Tower is a tomb. The Scribes of the Six planned their machinations carefully, but the Queen of Ice and Darkness is cunning. Watching. Pressing the limits of the Feywild into their places. Building a palace to rival their Tower just on the other side of the Veil, waiting for the right moment when the right people were undertaking the Trials to push to make her move. She never broke the Accords, she simply built her tower. She couldn’t help that centuries of wear on the Veil from the Infinite Corridors of the Temerant had finally broken right as she finished development on her newest throne room.

There are surviving members of the Scribes. They are spread throughout the world, and they are leaderless, a snake without a head, but they are there. Many Excommunicated will begin to extend their necks from the holes in the world they have hidden for so long. Many Initiated and Apolytos who were out on mission seak vengeance, or will now simply continue their quest for knowledge unaided by the resources of the Tower. They are a snake without a head, thrashing in the Dark.


Item #0000

Organization: |redacted|
  Item #: 0000 - Null
Object Class: Kenderos
Containment Procedure(s): Because of 0000’s ability to consume everything in its vicinity that it chooses to, its ability to consume must be overridden by providing it more material than it can consume at its rate of consumption.

This is achieved by constantly pouring |redacted| Decanters of Endless Water onto it. While it can swim and demonstrates no need to breathe, it will attempt to consume as much of the water as it can. More water than this and the entity gives up trying and will attempt to breach containment. Less, and it will overtake the water and begin to Disrupt the surrounding area.

0000 must be under constant supervision. While the entity is secure and its containment has held for over |redacted| years, a containment breach would lead to a Cataclysmic level event, and every effort on the |redacted|’s part must be made to avoid its release.

Description: 0000 appears as a humanoid with medium build. It displays masculine bodily features but lacks standard humanoid head. Instead, it displays a multitude of different, constantly shifting facial features and cosmic breaches in the area above its shoulders. It has been described as a cloud of buzzing insects, a constantly shifting scribble of pen ink, or a void in the fabric of the universe. Entity 0000 wears a tailored suite of the style of |redacted|. It wears its sleeves down, with gloves obscuring the hands, leaving the entity above its shoulders as the only exposed “flesh,” assuming that the rest of its body shares the same traits as the “head.”

0000 appears to have the ability to enforce its voice on any other creature, regardless of any antimemetic agent the personnel may have in place. Even Order personnel utilizing |redacted|.

Addendum: 0000 is currently contained in |redacted|. It is not to be moved from the Tower. After the Near Cataclysm Event, no one is to speak to the entity, as doing so may unravel the individuals psyche, leaving them susceptible to 0000’s influence.


Item #2264

Organization: The Scribes of the Six
  Item #: 2264 - The Infinite Corridor
Object Class: Xrenon
Containment Procedure(s): Due to the nature of the Infinite Hallway, it is impossible to contain without potentially Cataclysmic repercussions. Instead, it is best to utilize the Infinite Hallway for a means of unimpeded clandestine movement and |redacted| on |redacted|.

Description: The Infinite Corridor is a series of seemingly infinite pathways which lead to equally infinite doorways on the Mortal Plane. It is accessed via an |redacted| or |redacted| which opens the way for its |redacted|/|redacted|. The way can also be opened by calling on the Ferryman, henceforth known as Item 2264-1. 2264-1 is an entity that normally manifests to those near death, but following the events of |redacted| in 2463, reports of 2264-1 ceased until its sudden resurgence in 3032.

The Pathways of the Infinite Corridor are used by the Scribes to ferry the Replicants to the target cities unbeknownst to the Signatures. Scribes found using 2264-1 for unsanctioned means will be held accountable for their actions, and may suffer immediate termination depending on the severity of their offense as decided by a council of Divisionaries.

Addendum 2264-A: Entities engaging in Infinite Corridor transportation from the Tower MUST enter the Infinite Corridor from AT LEAST two kilometers from the Tower, lest a feedback loop become established, as the Tower is an |redacted| of the Infinite Corridor. A loop or breach in the integrity of the Tower would lead to a Apollyon-A level event in which all contained entities are freed from containment.

Addendum 2264-B:  After task force Veneration returned from what is believed to be the near center of the Infinite Corridor, Archmage |redacted| ordered all expeditions to cease. The team encountered a large, angry man, who guarded a great obsidian obelisk with |redacted| doors set into the and would not let any pass. Of the twelve man team, only three returned after attempting to remove the guardian.

Usage of the Infinite Corridor has been restricted to Pathways approved by the Nephilim.


Item #9955

Organization: |redacted|
  Addenda: The Scribes of the Six
Item #: 9955 - Peter Montauk
Object Class: Diagis
Containment Procedure(s): At this time, no known containment procedure has been able to contain 9955. It is advised to work with him as necessary. A team of agents is to be dedicated to tracking his location at all times, lest he turn his gaze upon the Order.

Description: 9955 is a medium humanoid of average build. He identifies as male and has the corresponding anatomy, as far as |redacted| research can confirm. He dresses in the style of a noble, with an unusual |redacted| around his |redacted|. It is speculated that this may be one of the |redacted|, but this speculation is unconfirmed.

9955 has demonstrated reality warping abilities that transcend all stabilizing technology available to us at this time. He is able to phase in and out of Order custody seemingly at will, regardless of the Forbiddances, Private Sanctums, and |redacted| put into place in said locales. While for operating procedure he must be allowed to endure, he is not to be given ANY documentation regarding the operations of the Order or allies wherein.

The entity has also displayed the ability to |redacted| others to |redacted| with the |redacted| of his |redacted|, followed by a |redacted| of |redacted| that smells of lavender. It has been seen to |redacted| up to eight (8) individuals at once, not including itself, to |redacted| locations, planes, and Celestial Bodies in the Realm. When doing so, a |redacted| manifests around his |redacted| with which he |redacted|, |redacted| or |redacted|. Order personnel are to be warned that while this effect is essentially harmless, it can induce nausea in some weak-stomached individuals.

This |redacted| is congruous with the |redacted| of |redacted| that is manifest whenever 9955 |redacted|. While the entire |redacted| has never appeared in one instance, wherever a |redacted| would |redacted| the entity, the |redacted| appears and |redacted| the |redacted|. Because of this, it is through that 9955 is in possession of Item-9995, |redacted|, |redacted| 9955 is theorized to have in his possession.

9955 is considered the most |redacted| on Andali.

Addendum 9955-A: (Added by Archmage |redacted|, |redacted|) 9955 has proven an invaluable asset in entity containment. While he does not seem to agree with the Order’s philosophy and refuses to join us even after completing the Trials of the Six, he does continually bring entities to the Tower for containment. He was essential in the capture and containment of Item-0000, Null, because of his ability to resist its Entropic Pull.

Addendum 9955-B: (Added by Archmage |redacted|, |redacted|) As of |redacted|, 9955 has refused to give aid to the Order. The reason for this is currently unknown, but it may have to do with operation |redacted|. His is to be considered dangerous, and an enemy of the Order.

Addendum 9955-C: (Added by Archmage |redacted|, |redacted|) This is a reminder and warning to all Order personnel. While 9955, Peter Montauk, the |redacted|, displays an incredibly charming and friendly demeanor, he is NOT your ally. 9955 is a malicious entity that WILL invert your spine while inviting you to tea. DO NOT engage in social discourse with 9955 and DO NOT believe that he is your friend.



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