Nicodemus Anduriel

Emperor Nicodemus Anduriel, a high elf, is the current leader of the Fulminarian Empire. He was born and raised in the Empire, and joined the military at a young age, quickly working his way through the ranks until he reached the rank of general.

During the Night of Dark Tears, he was the general tasked with confronting the Order and enforcing the Damnation Memori. During this time, he became close friends with the Sovereign, who later helped him rise through the ranks further.

Their friendship played a pivitol role in ending the war. When the Accords were first being negotiated, it was the two of them who were sent to meet, being the highest ranking generals of each army at the time.

After the peace was brokered, the previous emperor passed and the Council of Ignix chose him to take the seat, bestowing emperorship and Stormdancer upon him.

He is currently in a coma in Ignix.

Emperor of the Fulminarian Empire. Last everyone checked, also comatose.

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