Otherworldly Entities

In Andali, there are some entities that are not quite divine, but are also not of the mortal coil. These sometimes fall into the celestial or fiendish archetypes and are nicely categorized as vestiges and vessels of the Nine. However, other entities are harder to categorize. These are entities brought about by the thoughts and feelings of mortals, or they are an ancient survivor of That Which Came Before, or are from realms unimaginable. These entities are categorized here in this article, which will expand as the world of Andali unfolds.


Dionysus, Phobos, Agreus.

Pan is an ancient fey spirit, more powerful than most. He wanders the woods and draws power from the panic and madness that mortals feel both normally and within the throes of fear, ecstasy, and other sorts of mortal turmoil. He himself is unsure of where he comes from, as he is an avid partier and cannot remember the moment he was born through the haze of drugs he is sometimes most times under the influence of.



No other known names.

The being that sprung into existence with the first mortal thought. No one knows where it is, but everyone is pretty sure it's bad. It can only be slain with the Cosmo Blade, and only then will the burden of thought be lifted from mortal minds.

The Fathomless

The Many, The Fears, The Dread Powers.

The Entities known as the Fathomless are various aspects of an amorphous force of fear that exists within Andalian reality. It is unknown where they come from, if they have always existed or if they were brought into existence by Mortals feeling the fear towards the aspect they represent. Furthermore, it is unknown if they are each separate entities or if they each represent an aspect of a singular entity. The Followers of the Archivist have quantified nine aspects, which include but are not limited to the Deep, the D̶̡́͏̖̭̖̺̤̣͓̘̯̭͉͓͍̞͖͞o҉̟͔̥̩̮̺͓̭͚͖̘̜͙̜́͘ ̮̤̥̩̫̖̝̫̻͓̤̳̰̙͘͝ͅ, the Dark, the N̶̵͕͕̗̝͔͉̝͔̖̲̺͍̹̹͎̹̭͝ͅǫ̶̢̥̣̬̖̞͇͎̹̼̞͕͕̠̗̀ͅt̸̻̥͕̥̖̠̪̥̯̝͓͟͡͠ ̩͖̱̦̙̘̦̘͈̻̕͡, the L͏̣͖̹͇̜̘͎̣̼͓͖̩̭̬̞̖ͅͅó̵̶҉̭̻̹̜͍̦̘o͠͏͏̴͉̖̱͇̩͙̭͎͙̠̞̯̱̣̩̳̬͓ͅk̶̝̬̟̱̺̦̫̟̮̘̳̝̹̱̼͟͠ ̢͓̪͉̠̬̗̣͉̭̦̻, the F̸̸̷̯͙͙̼̟̹̦̤̬̲͈͙̥o̢͍͓̪̳͕̘̱͉̰̥͔̘̟̘̫̻̻͜r͍̱̞̤̠̳̩̣̭̦͖̟͙̯͈̼̱̬̕͟͠ ̨̡̜͈̫̤͎̪͖͙̹͚̟͙̝̰̥̻̻̞́̕, the Y̛̱͎̞͙̭̮͍ͅo̷҉̺̬̪̭͎̼̘̪̥̱́͟͜ų̷̲͍̞̤̰͚̰̕͝ŕ̡̩͓̱͇͚̖͟͡ ̵̷̡͖̰͚, the O̶̶̡̪͈̠̝̖͔̦̗̯̘͎̝̜̥͖̣͖̝̺ẁ̠͕̠͈̱̼͡n̢̨̖͇̩̘̲͍̼̮̱̘͉͈͟͝͠ ̛̦͚͉̬̙̲̗̯̝̳̦͚̟́͞͞, and the Ȩ͍̹̜̣͓̮̙̖̺̼͘̕ͅn̴̡̼͇͕͙̕ḓ̘̣̗͚̭̼̦͕̻͚͚͍̼̲̕̕͟͢͡.


The Deep

The Fathomless Deep, The Deeptide.

A being that is thought to have survived the Cataclysm, the Deep is the great eldritch deity that is attributed with causing the tides and waves with its colossal breaths. Some say it keeps tabs on the world by watching through the eyes of those who have died at sea or on the coast.

The Dark

The Fathomless Dark, the Darkness.

  Not to be confused with The Darkness, the weapon wielded by the Forgotten Order, the Dark is the fear of the unknown something that dwells just beyond your vision. Little is known about the Dark, as its existence defies description.


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