The Accords

The Accords are a series of peace treaties that brought about the Peace, ending the Golden War. They were signed by every Andalian nation save the Red Mountains and the Baerwood, which is recognized as a sovereign nation outside the jurisdiction of Fulminarian rule. The nations who signed the treaty agreed to an unequivocal and unconditional armistice that was to last for thirty years, at the very least. During these thirty years, there would be an annual conference of signatures to discuss the continuing terms of peace. This peace opened trade routes that had not been used since the Precursor Era, and the two empires began to prosper.
In addition to the earthly nations, the eladrin of both Summer and Winter courts of the fey set aside their own differences for a time to bind themselves to the Accords, swearing that they would not interfere with affairs of the nations in such a way that would reignite the conflict. It is speculated that the Rose Protectorate was somehow involved in this contracting, but there is little confirmed about that hypothesis.
It would be remiss to leave out the fact that not every nation is satisfied with the peace that the Accords brought about. Chiefly among them are the Red Mountains, who filled their halls with gold from the war profits brought about by the invention of the warforged. Several nations also feel the resentment of grudges held over blood spilled over the last millennia, and will be hard pressed to let that go so easily.
Treaty, Diplomatic


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