The Call

The Call was there before the beginning, emanating from somewhere within the core of the planet. It gives those who can hear it use its rhythm to wield powerful magics. None are sure what the source of the Call is, while many have strong beliefs of it's origin. Some believe that it is the planet itself vibrating with arcane energy, others believe it is a creation of the Precursors. Still others believe it was present even before them, a heart beating in the bones of the Old World that this world has been built on.

All that is known for certain is that the Muse is the keeper of the Call, and tipped the first ear of Mortals to its siren song. Mages dedicate their entire lives to its study, but ultimately it is recognized as a harmonic resonance that is felt reverberating throughout Andali and fuels magic across the continent. It echoes through great leylines that lay beneath the ground, enormous tunnels through which the flow of magic passes. Places built on these leylines are able to harness great arcane potential.

So too there are dead zones; places where the Call is silent and cannot be called upon. Here, mages and magic users feel hollow, like something they have loved since their heart first beat has been wrenched away. These are dark places, places which none should tread save the bravest of mages who wish to root out the source of the silence.


The Call manifests in every spell cast on the the Mortal Plane. Wizards learn to understand it, Sorcerers are naturally in tune with it, and Bard's dance to the Call's heartbeat. Through worship, the gods guide their followers to the Call so they may harness it, and in nature one is closest to the call, as the Glowwood Druids would claim.


The Call beats like a heart that sends magic pumping out through laylines across all of Andali. Places where these laylines cross are areas of intense, wild magic, which can lead to incredible arcane creations or can be harnessed to fuel massive arcane instruments. It is rumored that one such layline falls beneath Tolfalas and this is how they keep their entire principality at such a stable climate, even though it should be in an arctic zone. There are also dead magic zones, or Silent Regions, where, for whatever reason, the Call is not present. While mages have studied this phenomenon for years, but have drawn no firm conclusions. Very few of these regions exist, making it hard to uncover further information on the topic.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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