The Order of Silence

The Order of Silence is a mysterious order based out of the Baerwood forests of the southern Fulminarian Empire. This eccentric group is known to only leave the Baerwood and has very little contact with the world outside its borders, and thus very little is known about them. The Baerwood itself is a known dead magic zone, and envoys sent into the trees come back with reports of a strange race of people with large luminous eyes, beings which are completely hairless and speak through what must be an unknown means of telepathy, as their lips move as if words are being formed and their companions react as if they were spoken to, but no words pass their lips.   Contact between them and the outside world is done almost exclusively through the Speaker, a masked individual who, out of respect for the Order, is regularly invited to meetings of the Accord as a recognized sovereign. The Speaker voices the position of the Order of Silence eloquently, and this position has been almost exclusively that the Order of Silence remains neutral in all things, but remains appreciative of their inclusion in the Accord meetings and wishes to remain included in the future as well. The Speaker has seemingly remained the same stoic individual for the Thousand Blood Years as well as the during the Peace. Idris Epoch of the Tenebric Vangard insists that the Speaker has an excellent sense of humor and the two of them are good friends, but most believe the general to be posturing.
Religious, Monastic Order


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