The Pathways

The Pathways are a seemingly infinite set of corridors and environments that are connected to various places in the world. Doors to the Pathways can be created on purpose, on accident, or randomly, and can appear everywhere and lead anywhere. The corridors can take many forms; some Doors can open up to natural fields and forests, others to endless hotel hallways or office cubical farms.   The Pathways are a space of liminal spaces. The corridors are not fixed to form nor direction, and have a tendency to shift or change without cause or pattern. The only recognized constant is that they are never observed changing, and only shifting when left unmonitored. If entering the Pathways, it is wise to bring a guide with you, or a mage knowledgeable in teleportation magic so that you can teleport out in an emergency. Those who are lost in the Pathways are seldom found.   Too much time spent in the Pathways can lead to adverse side effects. One can lose oneself in infinite, causing horrible transformations that amplify the negative traits of a person. These monsters, known as sorrowsworn and named for the negative emotion they embody, wander the Pathways and search for a way to satisfy that which they crave. They can sometimes leak out into the Mortal Plane, drawn to their emotion, where they will remain until they wander back into the Pathways or are removed.   Because of the dangers these Pathways represent, there is a common phrase whispered across the continent: "Never open a door you don't know."
Metaphysical, Arcane


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