The Praxean Adventurers' League

When the wars were over and the Accords were signed, old warriors like Praxis felt that they were able to finally retire and turn to a life a peace. And they did, many of them became farmers, guildsmen, brewers. Real nice peaceable folk. Many of them raised families and didn't even encourage their children to pick up a sword. They were content to live out the rest of their days at the bar side, regaling young adventurers with tales of the glory days.

And then they got bored.

Some of them, including Praxis, got tired of this life of retirement. Swinging a scythe through wheat fields is nothing compared to swinging a sword through the fields of battle. So they got together and formed a coalition of adventurers. Headed by Praxis, the Praxean Adventurers League was created. It strove to create a network of operatives in every city, big or small, to offer regulated adventuring contracts across the continent.

Nowadays, the Praxean League has iterated itself throughout the world. It is one of the few organizations that is welcomed within every country in the continent; even Arcanus has been known to open their gates to members of the League before. Even with the disappearance of Praxis, the League has continued to flourish. They take contracts for handling five levels of conflict: copper, bronze, silver, gold, and adamantine. Any initiated adventurer can take any quest, but know that some quests may be beyond their capabilities if taken too early. Copper contracts are easiest, mostly consisting of a local cleanup of bandits or nonmagical beasts, but as you work your way up through the ranks the challenges become exponentially more challenging. Adamantium contracts are rare, but when they appear the adventurer who completes it will have most certainly saved the world.  

Joining the League

The Praxean Adventurers' League welcomes all to their ranks, asking only they pay the entrance fee and fill out the below form to be sorted to their adventuring party. Everyone starts at the bottom, a wood ranked adventurer, before completing their initiation quest and rising in the ranks.  

Praxean Adventurers' League Questionnaire

Name:__________________ Age:__________   Where are you from? (Harmonic Sphere, empire, country, city, ward, etc.).   In the unlikely event of your demise, please list up to five of your next of kin to which we may deliver your remains (if possible).   Is there anything you hate or fear? Quests will be assigned with this in mind.   Why do you want to become an adventurer? We will match you with a party of similar ambition.   Do you have any specialized training?   Do you have any nemisis that your future adventuring party should be aware of?   Have you ever killed someone and had them return as a revenant? Did you handle it?   Is the death of someone close haunting you? Metaphorically or ghostly?   Have you ever contracted any of the following diseases? Check all that apply:
Dark Blight
Other (please describe):__________   Do you have any friends you would like to be matched with?   Is there anything else you think we or your future adventuring party should know?
— The remaining 117 pages detail insurance plans and absolve the League of any responsibility of your death should it occur while adventuring

Life is out there, take it by its horns.

Guild, Adventuring


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