The Tenement

Guild Halls of the Praxean league range widely in quality; some are stalwart castles or forts based at the frontiers of the unknown, some are decadent hotels. Others are simple taverns, while some are barely shacks on the side of the road. All of them share one thing in common: they are connected to a network of ethereal corridors known as the Pathways.   Though the Tenement, a section of the Pathways, serves as a highway to link the various guild halls, it is unwise to go wandering alone and unguided through the region, for it is easy to lose yourself in those halls. It is so huge, there are urban legends of drunken adventurers who wander into the wrong backroom of a guild hall and reappear nine months later across the continent from where they were last seen boasting stories of winding endless corridors, floating walkways through space, and a mysterious cloaked creature that guided them out of the labyrinthine interior.   Some people speculate that this is where Praxis himself ended up.
Acropolis / Citadel
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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