Thu, Aug 1st 2024 09:43   Edited on Thu, Aug 1st 2024 09:50

To: Sylphiette Aurus-Valoric, From: Charles Aurus-Valoric. Vinum 9, 3033

I hope you are doing well. We have traveled far since our last correspondence. The world becomes ever more dangerous. You've no doubt heard rumors of our exploits. We've become nobility of a sort. Flamebringers they call us. Most of the stories are true. It has been harrowing, and we've uncovered many terrors that bode ill for the world. I would ask that you secure yourself and others in your community. Create plans for the worst. Dark times lie ahead.   As always, I send you my love.
Charles Aurus-Valoric
Thu, Aug 1st 2024 09:50

To Charles, Vinum 12, 3033
My son,
It is good to hear directly from you. Tale of your exploits on the Mortal Plane have indeed reached me in the Feywild. Peace still makes its home in the lands of the Summer Court, though that is sure to change if what you say is true. Rumors of the Apostates' return are whispered at the edges of our land, and we have redoubled our sentinels. Should you ever need safe harbor, you will find it here.   Take care of yourself.   With love,