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The Twilight Battle

Military action

1/6 22:00
2/6 5:00

The quick attack on Solstice Castle by the Elves in the night, the garrison had just received news of the Leelside attack, and so were preparing the soldiers to head out and aid the city. It was just before they were ready to leave that the castle came under siege.

The first strike at the gate by the lead mages smashed through the gate, sending debris into the gathered soldiers within the castle. They immediately responded, forming their ranks and the mounted soldiers charging out of the gate to fight, the Mages were taken by surprise, they could hear the soldiers within but had no idea they were armed and gathered. The charging Human soldiers crashed through the mages and cut them down, carrying on to hit the Elvish army that was now charging towards the gate, in the dark it was hard to see much, but the mounted soldiers only had to swing their weapons and would likely hit an Elf... As the Elvish force charged the gate and began to push in the Human soldiers outside got cut off from the castle and the call was made to ride off and regroup further away. The Elves didn't pursue the fleeing Humans so they could focus on taking the castle, which was now putting its portcullis down to stop the invaders. The mages that were left at the front of the attack sent lightning at the gatehouse above them to try and prevent the gate from being lowered but the heavy metal bars dropped down with a crash and crushed several Elves. One of the leading mages grabbed hold of the bars, and, even after being hit with an arrow in the shoulder, heated the bars until they lost their strength. As another arrow hit him in the neck he fell and was stampeded by the Elves, who charged through the now melted gate. The battle began in the main courtyard, with archers firing from all around into the entrance, a group of elves with shields for protection managed to reach the buildings and took the fight into the stables and armoury. As the guards began to run out of arrows and sent for more from the storehouse the Elves took the chance to charge in and take over the courtyard. The Human army fell back and closed the gate leading to the next courtyard, but the Elves took the route through the buildings, fighting through the barracks and into the many keeps and watchtowers. As the Elvish army set up its position in the main courtyard the Human mounted soldiers returned, breaking through the back ranks of the Elves. They began to push the Elves into the castle and managed to trap them within it. The fighting continued for over an hour, and eventually the Elves had managed to fight off the Mounted troops and had an escape route, which was getting more and more likely as the fighting within the castle was going poorly for the Elves. The Humans were tougher and better swordsmen, it was only the mages who were able to defeat the Humans with ease, and so many had died in the first few minutes of the attack that they were in very short supply. However the commander in charge of the Elvish army pushed on and tried to take the castle, he took his fighters and forced the Humans into the Sekirke. The last few mages flooded the room with lightning and slaughtered the remaining Human soldiers. The last Humans scattered throughout the castle were captured or killed over the next hour and the Elves repaired the castle in preparation for a counter attack by the Humans. The Commander ordered the army to gather all the supplies they could and prepare it to be moved back towards Elvish territory. Knowing the response from the Humans would be coming when news reached the capital...

Related Location
Solstice Castle
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