Anderian Cattle

The Anderian cow is the most populous livestock animal in the world. Although common and largely domesticated, to own a cow is something only the upper and middle classes of any society can afford. The continent is quite poor and the average peasant is unable to afford this large and productive creature. The Anderian cow is used for it's milk production and the harvesting of it's meat.

Basic Information


The standard cow has four legs with hooves and are quite large and powerful creatures. They are muscular unless neglected or abused and will grow to be as tall as an average human if left to graze in the pastures as it prefers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cows give birth once a year, usually to one calf but there can be twins which brings it's own set of complications. Female heifers go into heat during the spring and bulls will attempt to impregnate females from spring to summer.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cattle takes about 4 years minimum to reach sexual maturity and these first few years are typically the hardest for them to endure, especially in winter conditions. They are resilient animals however and will look after each other through their life stages.

Ecology and Habitats

It's quite clear that these domesticated creatures enjoy being left to roam large pastures in forests or most preferably open grasslands. They also have the ability to survive in more hostile terrain like swamps but it is a lot more dangerous especially since sapient species are not the only ones that enjoy it's meat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cattle spend most of their day eating and sleeping. They enjoy grazing regular quality green grass but also like grains, hay, and different crop mixtures wealthier farmers can purchase to increase their productivity.


Although they may seem immensely lazy and uninteresting, their fight or flight response is extremely adapted to their herds and environments. Female cows will defend the herds calves with great ferocity when they can. Bulls are very temperamental and even the farmers sometimes can't get close to the herd without the bull showing noticeable aggressive interest in them.
Scientific Name
Bos taurus
28 Years
Geographic Distribution


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