Thaumaturgy Superior

Magic is a highly developed art that requires years upon years of dedication to become adept in, however everyone has the ability to do this though few know it. Thaumaturgy Superior is a condition said to be granted by the Gods and promotes even further magical development in an individual. This condition although hard to identify, will immediately bring the person to the top of their society and/or heirarchy as it is a nearly limitless source of magic. This condition is extremely rare however and truly is only granted to those deemed worthy by Oses himself.

Transmission & Vectors

There is no way to pass this body dysfunction onto another. Only the Gods truly have the touch and they, not being the creators or promoters of magic do not grant it to many.


Folk say only the most noble of heart and character are granted this immense power. The condition is often identified even as children with magical anomaly's being common. Wizards and sorceresses that are quite capable in the arts are more inclined to be able to recognize the tremors in the magical fields surrounding these individuals.


People afflicted tend to be attractive in their features, intelligent, but also quick to their emotions. Magic itself is chaotic and can cause turmoil in individuals incapable of withholding it's unnatural power.

Cultural Reception

Those with excedingly powerful magic abilities most often rise to the top of any nation or state that is not anti magic. This typically isn't out of love however. More often, magic itself is feared as it's power is immense and it's effects terrible. Those with great talent can simply manifest horrible creatures, illusions, and even great wealth. Out of fear and sometimes love for the divines, these uniquely gifted individuals are respected amongst most societies.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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