The Wildlands Beyond

Anderium is an old continent with underdeveloped and smaller humanoid communities. Beyond the known chartered map of the continent, the full extent of the continent is not known. Beyond the borders and lands of the kingdoms, the land is very mountainous and wastelike. Few adventurerers and explorers have the courage to set off in these parts, and those that do most often do not return. The mainland of the populated continent is surrounded by mountain ranges even larger and older then the known habitated ones.

Historical Basis

Initially in Anderium when Human , Dwarf , elves, and orcs set out to explore and create their communities, a clear boundary was set within the ranges of the largest and oldest mountains. Creatures suspected as dragons were very early on recorded to be spawning and breeding beyond those ranges which caused fear against exploring beyond them.


Most Anderians with even a basic understanding of their continent know of the legends of all powerful creatures, bandits, rogue organizations and kingdoms beyond the borders of the main coast-side of the continent. Parents often like tell their children even early of the dangers beyond in an effort to make sure their kids do not wander too far from home. This fear is often entrenched in Anderians of all ethnicities very early on.
Date of First Recording
912 AAE
Related Locations


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