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'Elven Trapeze Artists'

While most Wood Elves use the various bridges and ladders to traverse their arboreal home, some preferred the rush of swinging throughout the canopy via a rope system. Over time this method of trans-versing the trees became an art form. Many call this aerial dancing, and it requires years of practice to perfect.   The 'Elven Trapeze Artists' is the main guild that focuses on teaching and performing this art form. It is through them that one can request showings and get training. Trapeze is a dangerous profession, for most performances take place high up in the canopy with no safety netting. One wrong move can result in a performer falling to their death, that's if they were lucky. Within the guild there is sense of superiority of being able to perform without safety measures, and those that use them are looked down upon.   Performances typically include various acts of balance, swinging, jumping, dynamic poses, dancing etc from ropes and trapezes over a high area. Less experienced guild members perform at smaller events and festivals, while the highly experienced members typically only perform during major festivals and events.


Over the years the culture within the guild has gotten more and more toxic. As their popularity increased they began to perform more dangerous stunts and looked down upon those who wouldn't perform the same tricks or used safety measures. Their sense of superiority extended to even those that don't perform. And how could they not be superior? They danced high above the ground with nothing but ropes and their own strength keeping them from meeting their deaths down below. How many others could say the same thing?   They're a highly competitive guild and don't tolerate competition, even from those that perform using aerial silks aren't safe from their politics and methods.
Entertainment, Troupe

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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