'Forgotten Menagerie' Building / Landmark in Andraous (Discontinued) | World Anvil
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'Forgotten Menagerie'

Purpose / Function

'The Forgotten Menegerie' was originally created by the 'Ancient Ones' as a place where they could develop and create new Chimeras without worrying about their creations escaping into the wilds of Tamerea.


Much of the grounds consists of large cages designed to contain various chimeras that were either being studied or put on display. In the center of the grounds is a large 'Merging Circle', where the A.O.'s would perform the ritual to combine two creatures into one. There are also a few other buildings on the sight, and are believed to have been used for sleeping quarters, storage rooms, and research rooms.


Being contained in an artificial pocket dimension linked to the 'Portal Ring' there was relatively little danger to the scholars. However they did have to worry about potential escapes of their chimeras, and had many precautions implemented to prevent this from happening.


The 'Forgotten Menagerie' was originally established during the height of the 'Age of the Ancient Ones', and was believed to have been in operation when the magic levels crashed, trapping everyone inside.   From there the ring that connected the pocket dimension to the rest of Andraous was believed to have frequently passed hands. With so little magic, the portal was unable to form, and the ring's original purpose was forgotten. Even after the magic levels started to recover, no one suspected the ring's true purpose, and it would be many centuries before it would be revealed.   One day, the ring would be recognized as 'A.O.' in origin, and the scholar would ask to see it. When the current owner took off the ring, they flicked it towards the scholar. To everyone's surprise, the ring grew in size as it tumbled through the air, and a portal formed within. An expedition was quickly arranged and the scholars were eager to explore what was held within the ring.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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Aug 10, 2022 12:44 by sointex

Very cool imagination, but as the judge, it is hard to put this in place without knowing anything about your world. There's unexplained acronyms in your first sentence. If the purpose is simply for your or your players' reference for gaming, then this feedback is irrelevant. Thanks for writing!

Aug 16, 2022 01:57

My world is still very, very early in development and is just something fun I do in my spare time. There is a lot I still need to flesh out, and I was pressed for time to complete all 31 articles for Summercamp. I plan on coming back to this later on and doing more work to it, but it may be awhile.