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Wild, strong, and graceful, Centaurs are a rare chimera folk.

Basic Information


Centaurs are a bizarre looking folk compared to most of Tamerea's folk. For the most part they look as if a Human was severed at the hips and then magically fused to the shoulders of a decapitated horse. Their appearance however can vary wildly.

Ecology and Habitats

Only found in a relatively small area, Centaurs make their homes deep in temperate forests and plains, often near the base of mountains. They rarely wander far from their wild homes and are highly protective of their territory, never leaving their home unguarded.   Each herd has a favorite glade that they've claimed as their home, and it typically has plenty of pasture and fresh water. This is the area that they sleep, raise foals in, and craft goods. To better protect these areas the centaurs usually plant thorny bushes along the edge and set traps to deter potential threats.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Centaurs have a very tricky relationship with food due to their biology. Their large equine bodies require a lot of calories but their human like mouths make it impossible to eat to same diet that horse eat. As a result they are highly dependent on a handful of different kinds of calorie rich foods. When they where created by the 'Ancient Ones' the 'A.O.'s' developed a calorie rich gain to feed them, and controlled their access to the food to keep them from revolting. When the magic levels crashed the centaurs fought back against their handlers and gained control of the crop. These grains are the one thing that keeps them from from starving, and whenever there is a poor harvest, or raiders destroy/ threaten to destroy the crop, the centaurs numbers nearly drop to extinction levels. They will often try to lessen their dependence on this grain by hunting, foraging, fishing, and even growing a few other crops.   Centaurs love the taste of wine, however too much alcohol makes them highly rowdy and aggressive.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Centaurs form tight knit herds with one another. Typically an elder female will lead and manage the herd, the other females and young will stay close to the heart of the herd's territory. The males will often travel farther, scouting their borders, gathering plants, and hunting fat rich creatures. Herds often have a lot of foals running around, with up to a third of the population being young.   Social grooming is highly important in centaur culture because of both the difficulty they have grooming certain areas of their own body, and the social bonds it helps enforce. One example of this is hoof trimming, since it is impossible for a centaur to reach their back hooves with their own hands.

Facial characteristics

Despite having a humanoid-like upper body they still have several horse-like characteristics there. Their ears are long and horse-like, and their pupils are horizontal and rectangular shaped. Typically their eyes are dark brown in color, but rarely they can be blue, hazel, amber, or green.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Due to their reliance on the special grains, Centaurs will refuse to leave their groves and fields unless absolutely necessary. They will try and chase out creatures such as large cats, and wolves from their territory, but if something like a dragon moves in they will relocate.

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

Tokens of baked and cooked food are commonly used as signs of affection.

Average Technological Level

Agriculture If Centaurs were more common and widespread they would have the potential to rival Humans when it comes agriculture. While a large portion of their crops is specialized grains, they also grow a few other food crops and lots of medicinal crops.     Defense Preferring to keep their distance from threats, Centaurs use weapons with a wider reach such as longbows and longswords.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Centaurs mainly speak their own language.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Hearths are built away from trees and are used for cooking and warmth.   Lairs found in colder climates may have huts or lean-tos.


Centaurs are a relatively old folk compared to other folk on Tamerea.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Kinfolk Due to their history with the 'A.O.'s', Centaurs are highly cautious of and avoid their descendants and are slow to warm up to them. While most avoid Kinfolk civilizations some choose to live in them, and are often shunned by their territory. They won't go out of their way to pick a fight with any of these folk if they see them, but they will defend their herd and territory if needed.   Chimeras They tend to get along with the other ChimeraFolk.   Beast-Folk They are cautious around BeastFolk  at first, but will warm up to them much quicker than they would with Kinfolk.
60 years
Average Height
Height: 7ft
Average Weight
Weight: 2,100lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their hair color and pattern can vary wildly just like other equines. It isn't just restricted to their horse bodies either, for the fur extends to and covers their humanoid half as well.

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Cover image: by NorthWhiteWolf


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