Powerful and majestic, there are several species of griffon.
Basic Information
These big beasts have a feline-esq body, tail, and hindquarters, while their head and front legs are eagle-esq. They have a pair of large wings, feline-esq ears, a hooked beak, and typically lacks a mane. The head, chest, and wings are feathered, while the rest of the body is covered in fur. Fur and feather color and patterns vary between species.
Biological Traits
Very strong for their size.
Shrill, eagle-like calls.
They can be considered stubborn.
Genetics and Reproduction
Griffons mate for life, and are very protective of both their cubs and mate. If either are killed, a griffon will track down the offender to kill it.
Ecology and Habitats
Native to temperate hills or desert, they tend to nest in high places and are very territorial.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Griffons prefer horses, but won't turn down other prey if they are hungry enough. Occasionally they have been known to grab folk off of their horses in their attempt to snatch the horse, though it is rare for them to go man-eater.
To find prey, griffons will fly high in the sky. Once potential prey has been spotted, they will swoop down and use their beak and talons to dispatch the prey.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Lives in loose prides of around 10 individuals.
There are currently several projects going on to domesticate griffins. Wild adults are very difficult to tame, but if raised from a cub they can be very loyal.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
For several cultures they are used to symbolize justice, authority, and power, though with most Humans they represent a threat to their favorite mounts. Griffons can be trained if started at a young age, and can be used as a mount so long as they are fitted with a special saddle. As a result, there is a black market for eggs and cubs.
Average Intelligence
Relatively intelligent.
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Length: 8ft
Wingspan: 25ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Can be tawny, brown, white, gold, cream, or scarlet.
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