
The Sovereign of Life and Love Arawai is a goddess of the Sovereign Host who is revered by rangers, druids, farmers, sailors and any who value fertility and good weather. Most Vassals think of Arawai as the deity of fertility, crops, abundance, and plant-life in general. While accurate as far as it goes, this is a limited understanding of Arawai’s place in the pantheon. More properly, she holds dominion over the natural world as viewed through the lens of civilization. A follower of the Host lost in the forest, or wandering unknown valleys, is most likely to call upon Arawai for aid.   In the early days of the Dawn War, Awarai worked with Erathis to industrialize civilization and defend it from the primordials. Madly in love, they continued to use the resources of the land to build bigger and grander bastions and fortifications, but when the primordials finally came, the land itself revolted against Arawai and Erathis. And seeing all that was created be destroyed, Arawai wanted to protect and invest in the natural resources. Arawai and Melora disagree on how nature should be utilized but both want to be better advocates.   When the Soverign Host was formed, Arawai took this as an opportunity to teach how to conserve the resources the Planet provides to mortals.

Divine Domains

Arawai's Divine Portfolio includes Husbandry, Fertility, and the Wilderness as Natural Resources.

Tenets of Faith

Arawai calls her followers to:  
  • Be fruitful and multiply.
  • Celebrate life, especially new life. A young sapling is a beautiful creation, and children are the world’s greatest blessing.
  • Never turn your back on a child or young creature in need.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity