
The Olympian Glades of Arborea, sometimes simplified to just Arborea, was the Outer Plane in the Great Wheel cosmology model embodying the chaotic good alignment. A plane of joy as well as sorrow, Arborea was the home of the dreamers, a seemingly delicate sylvan realm of astounding heartiness and deep-seated enchantment. Its beauty was almost overwhelming, the landscape embodying the lovely and peaceful, and the passionate and wild, all at the same time.   Arvandor was a realm in the first layer of the Outer plane of Arborea, according to the Great Wheel cosmology. It was the home and shared divine realm of most of the Seldarine. In the World Tree cosmology, it was one of the roots of the World Tree, together with Dwarfhome. In the World Axis cosmology, it was considered an astral dominion and also the primary home of the Lords of the Golden Hills.
Plane of Existence