
Corellon is the deity of spring, the arts, magic, beauty and the fey. He is one of the patrons of the arcane arts and the Fey, along with Sehanine and Lolth, and thus is most frequently worshiped by elves and eladrin. Artists and musicians worship him, as do those who view their spellcasting as an art, and his shrines can be found throughout the Feywild. He seeded the world with arcane magic and planted the most ancient forests. After showing mortals the ways of arcane magic, Corellon was disavowed by many other deities.
  During the Dawn War, Corellon was assailed from other divines who saw Arcane Magic as a crime. They cut him open and spilled his blood, and when his blood splashed across mortals it was believed that these became the first elves. The elves nursed him back to health after this devasting betrayal and Corellon hid away the elves in secret forests of the primordials. and in the early days of the Reconstruction, Corellon was attacked by those in his court and Lolth tried to take his place. For this crime, she was sentenced to banishment. She changed into a spider monster and attacked Corellon. Corellon couldn't kill her and she escaped taking her followers into the curse with her. He now despises Lolth and her priestesses for leading the drow astray.

Divine Domains

Corellon's Domains include: Spring, Arcane Magic, The Arts, and Elves

Tenets of Faith

Corellon urges his followers thus:  
  • Cultivate beauty in all that you do, whether you’re casting a spell, composing a saga, strumming a lute, or practicing the arts of war.
  • Seek out lost magic items, forgotten rituals, and ancient works of art. Corellon might have inspired them in the world’s first days.
  • Thwart the followers of Lolth at every opportunity.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity